Chapter 5: Sloth

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The sigh that escaped (Y/N)'s dry and cracked lips was slow, as if her brain needed time to process new informations of who the Kims really are. Based on Yoonah's short description, there are three Kim brothers. Her best friend never disclosed their names nor their personalities, but she did distinguish what their professions are.

The eldest brother, which (Y/N) sadly met under terrible circumstances, Kim Seokjin, ran a multimillion— about to enter the billion— hospital chains around South Korea. But rumor has it he's currently working to extend his partnership with the American and Canadian health ambassadors to open more hospitals.

The second eldest brother, the man Yoonah met with at the ball, is as successful as his oldest brother. Running the stock market and South Korea's main economy at the tip of his fingertips, the male is known for his blunt, dull and flat personality for he has no interests in other human beings other than himself, though Yoonah could say otherwise. His name? (Y/N) doesn't know; she isn't too keen meeting an intimidating business man who could crush her with just his gaze.

And the last one... he's known to be the underdog of the family. Rumors circulated of the youngest's behavior: sleeping around with any men and women, using his older brother's names to enter clubs or high-end restaurants, and other questionable things. Yoonah never saw him around when visiting Namjoon's buildings or Seokjin's hospitals so making assumptions of what the youngest's job is undeniably a difficult task.

(Y/N)'s eyes remained fixed on the corner Seokjin disappeared, lost in thought before snapping out of her dazed state. Before her tiny hands could wrap itself around the handles of her luggages, Hoseok insisted that other maids of lower ranking can take care of it.

"Due to your friend's great persuasive talent, she convinced Namjoon to hire you as our assistant," Hoseok began his little 'orientation' speech, "As I've said earlier, there are seven boys living in this household and the assistant that took care of us was one of the finest one we've had and I expect you to be the same. Yoonah informed Namjoon, which Namjoon informed me since he sees me as his right winged man, that you've worked multiple jobs. Is that correct?"

"Yes, that's correct. The sound of me having multiple jobs, in my opinion gives a negative connotation that I might've been bad at them or have been fired, but I chose to resign because those didn't represent my worth."

"Mmm," Hoseok nodded his head, "you've handled tempers of customers in a restaurant, lecherous actions of men and women in bars, daunting tasks assigned by your superiors in an office building, and so much more. Yoonah didn't fail to mention that not only your work ethics are incredible, she also mentioned about your caring persona. It's a great asset to have, especially when seven men who are overworking themselves; we often forget to take care of ourselves so having you around might be an amazing addition to our lives."

(Y/N) couldn't help, but to blush at his sentiment.

'I can't let them and Yoonah down. Hoseok barely met me and he's already holding me with so much responsibilities, but it's alright. Nothing is ever easy. This job provides food, shelter, and more money unlike other jobs; I've found my worth here.'

"Now that my little speech is done," he smiles gently. "I want you to at least meet some of the others before I leave you alone."

"Thank you, Hoseok. Really..." (Y/N) fiddled with her fingers. "I find your welcoming atmosphere quite relaxing. For all I know, right now might be the calm before the storm considering the responsibilities I'll be having, but I'll persevere through it! I'm glad that I'll be working for you."

"Cheerful jewel," Hoseok chuckles and pinched her soft cheeks. He offers his arm, "shall we?"


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