Chapter 12: Threatning Remarks

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June 8, 2019   12:00 P.M

"Jaemin I need your assistance today with my work," Namjoon nonchalantly informs the butler.

'I promised (Y/N) that I'll be taking her out today!' Jaemin bit his lips and fidgeted with his hands inside his pockets while looking at his superior's deadly stare.

"Master Namjoon," Jaemin pauses to evaluate his choice of words to convince Namjoon, "with all due respect... it's my day off and I have a very important event I must uphold."

"No," Namjoon answers sharply. "You may have an extension of your break in Monday and Tuesday. I'll need you to run errands for me this whole weekend. Surely... you will do anything I ask correct? Or do you want your precious title be tainted for not being able to follow my directions?"

"N-No Master."

"Good." The jade headed male feigned a smile. "I need you to fix my schedules so all of my work will land during the week days instead of the weekends. Go to the main building in Seoul to asses the employee's work; if they're lacking, either fire of lecture them."

"Yes master." Jaemin bows his upper body. "I'll be taking my leave and do as you please."

Whilst raising his head, Jaemin straightened his posture as he walks away from Namjoon with a clenched fists. 'What am I suppose to tell (Y/N) now? I hope she'll understand, I don't want to leave a terrible impression and think I'm a flaker.'

Namjoon watches him walk away with a smirk on his lips.

'That should teach him to stay away from (Y/N).'

"Can you explain to me what was that about?" Hoseok's minacious voice beaconed Namjoon's head to turn to his direction.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, Hoseok. I only asked Jaemin to help me... it's his job isn't it?"

Instead of Hoseok's usual happy smile, a frown and a threatening aura embraced his body. "You never do any of this. Moving your schedules? Sending him to the main building in Seoul? Disregarding his proper time to rest? You always cared for your employees and you never... I mean never, move schedules because your job is always your main priority to finish first."


"It's evident that you want something. I'm simply asking you to be honest with me... I'm your second man in hand and we consider each other as brothers so you should at least trust me. Namjoon... I'm worried for you because if what you want is already influencing you to break from your original schedules... the outcomes of your actions is anything but good."

"What are you implying, Jung Hoseok?"

"You're being corrupted, Namjoon. What you desire is corrupting you..."

Namjoon felt the interaction to be twisted in malice. They haven't spoken a word to one another for more than a week and with the conversation they're having currently, it seemed like neither of them is interested to continue conversing with the other's company. Namjoon kept his words to himself, signaling Hoseok that he won't say anything else.

"If your wish is to keep your mouth shut and not answer me, then I'll be going on with my way. Have a good day Namjoon."


'Well I'm definitely not having a good day.' (Y/N) leans her body against the frame of her door while listening to Jaemin's excuse.

"I'm sorry," the butler tilted his head down as he apologizes. "Master Namjoon assigned me tasks and of course I'll have to do my duty to be a good servant. I really do want to hang out with you to get to know you since we're going to be working together for long time."

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