Chapter 31: Illusion

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After walking to what seems to be hours, (Y/N)—alone, hungry, and cold— knew she needed to rest or her troubled mind will begin turning on itself, clouding her with doubts and fears. She's beginning to feel that she had mistaken her own calmness of the situation for a readiness to take on more, to deal with more. Perhaps, it once was. Though, not anymore. Now it's nothing but exhaustion, silent and somber, her hoping for a rest from the waves caused by the storms.

"Fuck," (Y/N) curses underneath her breath.

She stopped her tracks, then ripped a part of her shirt to wrap around her wounded leg. A wince escaped her mouth as blood continued to pour out. It felt as if a stake is being hammered repeatedly on her injury, the strikes radiating so much pain that she had to stop and sit down, her head thrown back, eyes shut, lips sealed, all in an attempt to ignore this torment.

She lie still, her breathing shallow.

"Fuck fuck fuck."

Panic grows within her.

The veins that once hid underneath her skin began gaining unnatural colors and her complexion turned incredibly pale. (Y/N)'s chest heaved up and down. She found breathing difficult. Her muscles feel as though they are burning from inside out with an acid— sufficient enough to make her feel like her cells have been replaced with a rusting metal that's ready to collapse on itself.

"How does it feel?" She heard a faint of Yoongi's voice.

Her head snaps back, expecting him, but found no one. There's a discomfort in her chest... then it sets in deeper as more voices appeared and images of the boys entered her peripheral vision, but the moment she set her eyes on them, they disappear like no one was there. She had the urge to run, escape, and hide, but she was bounded to the ground.

"Does it hurt?" She hears his voice again.

(Y/N) shakes her head, hands covering her ears. "This isn't real. He isn't here (Y/N), it's just in your head," she reassured herself.

"You know you always have me when what you feel is too much," he says as she stood up, beginning to walk once more. She ignores the male's taunts yet the panic grows stronger into her journey as her mental faculties give way to the emotions she desperately wanted to conceal. "You should know by now Kitten that I have what you need."

"What I need..?" (Y/N) whispers under her breath, her tracks slowing down from hearing his words.

She was confused. Why is her mind constructing an image of the boys, specifically Yoongi? Better yet, how is her mind perfectly replicating his way of thinking?

It doesn't make sense.

After taking her time to understand the situation, despite her difficulties, she somewhat understood the level of her predicament— the reason of her unexplained hallucination of the man she wretchedly wants dead. It all began with her wound. As soon as it bled, her mind went haywire, it's as if it's been reconstructed in a way to stop humanly instincts to survive. She felt like a child under stress.

She thought, maybe these hallucinations was the last straw of her brain attempting to help her before it's destroyed. And she thought that what her brain is trying to tell her is that this is Yoongi's doing— Yoongi's poison. This idea of her's was at first absurd to say the least, yet it made perfect sense. She looked back at Jungkook's sudden illness and the perspicacity of Yoongi's remarks regarding the liquid (Y/N) discovered in the kitchen.

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