Chapter 24: Baby Doll

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June 18, 2019
1:00 am

"It's late... we should start heading back," Seokjin said, bobbing his broad shoulder up and down to wake the half-asleep female leaning against him. Finding no response from (Y/N), Seokjin cocked his attention to her closed eyes, seeing a strands of rebellious hair covering partial of her face. Seokjin tucked her mane behind her ears and smiled at how her lips pouted forward. "Come on lollipop."

"Don't move..." she hummed in a tired voice, "you feel comfortable."

She let a second pass until (Y/N) jerked upwards, barely processing the new nickname Seokjin used. She snapped her eyes to his direction, meeting his soft and loving gaze staring down at her. "Lollipop?"

"Don't like it?" He questioned.

"No— it's just... why lollipop?"

"Since you gave me a nickname earlier... I figured that I should too. You improve my mood drastically. Decrease my stress with your horribly formed puns and smiles. And... and you block my pain with just your presence," he rubs the nape of his neck as Seokjin's cheeks bloomed bright red. "You're like my own personal lollipop..."


"I'm sorry..." he gave an apologetic smile and for a full half-minute, Seokjin felt like he was falling within the depths of (Y/N)'s glimmering eyes at a speed that constricted his throat so that he could hardly draw a breath. "I'm sorry for the way I acted during the first few days you worked here... trust me, everything I said of you being a peasant o-or you being weak because you're a woman... that was very insensitive of me and I wish you can forgive me. You deserved better treatment than that (Y/N)... you deserve better. So much better... and I can provide you that."

(Y/N) gripped the edge of the bench as Seokjin gravitated towards her. His gaze was so different than before, more soft than (Y/N) knew could be. The profesional cutting edge doctor is gone and instead it's the eyes of one who loves someone so deeply that they were willing to sacrifice everything they've know for their lover. And (Y/N) was drawn in, drawn to everything of him, her baby doll.

"I-I've already forgiven you," she whispered. "I've forgiven you that day I saw you cry... the day I saw the real Seokjin."

(Y/N) knew Seokjin becomes someone else when he wears that white coat, when he become the man the world demands of him. The way he clutched his father's portrait and weeped, the flames of his eyes almost extinguished as he ran through the gun of guilt, shame, and fear he secretly possessed.

That was the real version of him; he wasn't arrogant nor narcissistic, it was his alternative persona, his mask that hid his true feelings. Only when (Y/N) came to his life did his mask fell to reveal a man who needed security and reassurance that he was enough or perfect.

Seokjin gave a long kiss on (Y/N)'s temple, humming in satisfaction, stomach was full butterflies as (Y/N) snaked her hands around his torso, embracing him tightly.

"Let's go. I'll drop you off your room," Seokjin suggested, hands tugging (Y/N)'s to retrieve back to their respective quarters. Though he didn't want for them to depart, Seokjin needed (Y/N) to take a rest before revealing his younger brother's devious plans involving Yoonah.

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