Chapter 10: Leap

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⚠️Minor Sexual Scenes

June 4, 2019 8:30AM

"Mmm that tastes absolutely delicious!"

Jungkook gave himself a thumbs up, content with the meals he created just for (Y/N).

Usually, the brown headed boy politely declines any human of the opposite sex when they approach him... but with (Y/N), radiating with grace, beauty, and innocence, had him enthralled. In his eyes, she's mesmerizing in every way; he can't stop thinking about her and it's driving him crazy. The faint glimmer of the afternoon sun ghosting over her (s/c) skin and eyes as deep as the heart of sea, (Y/N) became a goddess in his eyes.

"Speaking of (Y/N), here she comes!" Jungkook bounced up and down as he sees the faint silhouette of the female's body. "Noonaaaaaaa!!!!!"

When her eyes shifted to his figure and finally acknowledged his presence, a surge of comfort mystified him. Instead of seeing (Y/N)'s delightful smile, Jungkook is greeted by a concerning frown plastering her face. (Y/N) angrily stalked to him and grabbed his hands.

"What happened towards your hands?!" She questioned, worry lacing her words. "Kookie tell me what happened!"

"Yesterday, the glass of water on my nightstand fell when I accidentally bumped my hips against it. As I was about to go and clean it up, I tripped and somehow, my hands landed on the sharp edges," he explains flawlessly as the lie he'd fabricated the night before rolls out of his mouth easily. Jungkook lifted his hands to her cheeks, letting his thumb to brush her soft skin as an act of reassurance. "I'm fine noona."

"I thought you would be smart enough to tend your wounds just like how you did to mine," (Y/N) sighs, lips pouting forward.

"I wanted too, but I guess was hurting too much before that I couldn't do it myself. But now... It feels a little bit better."

"Come here Kookie." (Y/N) motions the male to stand next to the sink to wash his hands while she searches for the first aid kit.

"Noona I don't think this is necessary—"

"Shush it chubby cheeks."

"Yes noona," Jungkook chuckles in response.

After gathering the proper supplies, (Y/N) carefully grabbed Jungkook's wounded hands. (Y/N) lightly dabbed a piece of cloth to clean the patches of dried blood blemishing his skin, then grabbed a specific ointment to disinfect his wound.

"Ow!" Jungkook winces when (Y/N) pressed a part of his wound too hard.

"Well that's what you get for being so clumsy... you have to be careful next time Kookie."

As (Y/N) bandaged his wounds, a rush of confidence urged Jungkook to finally ask her the question he's been dreading to ask her all morning, which is if she wanted to eat with him. But when they lock gazes, his breath ran short. His cheeks burned bright red, heart pumping at an abnormal rate the moment (Y/N)'s lips pecked his wound. "I hope you heal fast!"

'It worked. She kissed it!' Jungkook's mind ran with thoughts. 'What happens if I do something more?!? Will she stay by my side forever?!?'

"Well I have to go, I still have to clea—"

"I cooked breakfast for the both us! You surely wouldn't mind being late, right? I cooked it when my hands were aching... so it's the least you could do!"

(Y/N) heaves a sigh. "Jungkook, is it okay if we could eat together next time—"

"But— But I made this all for you and I!" Jungkook pointed at the plates filled with food on the table. "Why? Does (Y/N) doesn't want to eat with me? Does she think that my food doesn't taste good?"

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