Chapter 21: Man I Never Knew

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(Y/N)'s facial expression sank faster than a penny on a fountain, her skin became icy and pale as she tried to keep the stability on her foot.

Thoughts comes and goes, never straying too long for her to decipher the emotions they tried to convey. She was unsure if she should be happy that Lucas, the man who saved her from her abusive boyfriend, or distraught that seeing him again for the first time after that night is when he's laying unconscious on the bed.

(Y/N)'s hands began shaking uncontrollably as she looked at Seokjin straight in the eyes. "Is... is his real name Wong Yuk Hei?"

"Yes— Wait do you know him?" Seokjin questioned.

(Y/N) nodded. "Y-Yes. I know him very well."

Seokjin searched his mind for a way to pierce the heavy and cumbersome atmosphere that strained their lungs to properly breathe. (Y/N) fell mute, her head stuck in her own world as she held Seokjin's hands tightly in comfort. Meanwhile with Hoseok, he left the two right after delivering the news— he couldn't bare seeing (Y/N) with Seokjin far longer; he wanted to pull her away but he knew (Y/N) will only protest against his selfish action.

"(Y/N)-ah..." Seokjin lifted her hand close to his lips, pecking her soft skin as an act of reassurance. He took a breath, thumbs caressing her hands. "Do you want to see him?"

"Ye-yes please. If... if you'll let me."

"Of course I'll let you," he gently smiled. The two parted from his office and headed to the room designated for patients Seokjin brings home to either study or closely monitor. He looked at (Y/N) once in a while discreetly to make sure she was okay, that she's mentally stable to face a man unknown to him.

'What was their past?' Seokjin thought.

And why does (Y/N) look so emotionally attached to this man despite saying so little words regarding him? Perhaps it was her mannerisms that gave away the amount of care she has for Lucas. Seokjin disliked the thought of (Y/N) having a history with his patient. He too desired to mean something great to girl he fancied.

"Wong Yuk Hei, age 20. He was born in January 25, 1999 in Sha Tin, Hong Kong to Chinese parents," Seokjin said as they stopped in front of the door containing Lucas' unconscious body. "3 years ago, the year of 2016, he was found deep in the forest with a severe case of concussion— that's what it was in the beginning but as time grew, his conditioned worsened. It lead him into a state of comatose till this day. All that's written about him is his birthday, parents, and where he was born. The rest— it was wiped out."

The world slowed down. As Seokjin opened the door, it's as of he had reopened an old scar (Y/N) had. She fought the nervous swirls that braided in her weak stomach and the tears that threatened to fall.

"Luc-Lucas..." (Y/N) bent down to her knees next to his bed. "I missed you. I missed you so much. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to see you again."

Seokjin kneeled down behind her to wrap his arms around her chest. "(Y/N) tell me what happened. How did he end up like this? I want to help him, but first, I need to know how he got here."

"Lucas and I were just friends who met at college," she equivocated. The way her voice sounded flat and cold sent chills down Seokjin's spine. "We use to hang out every single day until I met another man who became my boyfriend. My boyfriend was my first love, my first relationship so when he began doing things that were abnormal, I thought it was alright... but things began to escalate. He would often isolate me from my friends and things started to become abusive. He trapped me inside of freezing room without any of my clothes for days because I hang out with Lucas just once."

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