Chapter 13: Venom

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June 9, 2019   5:00 p.m

"Yoongi how many times are you going to enter my bedroom without my knowledge?" (Y/N) massages her temples, temper running in thin line from Yoongi's lack of response. "I want rest too you know..."

The female nudges his arm. No reaction. Then his shoulder. Again, nothing. But as her tiny index finger hovered its way on his slightly hollow cheeks, Yoongi quickly swatted her hand with ease, groaning that his valuable sleep is disturb from this woman. (Y/N), surprised by his astounding reflexes, recoils back.

"Then rest. I'm not stopping you," he bluntly said, his vocals coming out groggy and unperturbed as his body prepares itself to return back to his slumbered condition.

"Yoong— AH!" (Y/N) gasps as a pair of strong, firm hands fastened around the perimeter of waist. In a blink of an eye, Yoongi sent (Y/N) crashing down to the bed next to him. Working with agility, the male snuggled his head on the crook of her neck while lazily resting his hands on her waist before she could react.

"You... you sweet, sweet little kitten," his voice rumbled deep inside of his voice box— his low and soft tune sent powerful chills to roll down (Y/N)'s spine. "Have you been tangling yourself with your bosses?"

"Yoo-Yoongi I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"(Y/N)," he starts, his low and thunderous voice crashing like a wave in a sea-storm through the room. "You are our assistant. Remain as our assistant. It'll be hard, but it's for your own good. Don't make the same mistakes I've made."

Yoongi's grip on her waist slackened as he dragged his hand towards her jaw, fingers leaving a ghostly touch over her skin. Softly putting pressure on her chin, the male leveled her head with his. His dark, obsidian eyes matched the way he felt towards the world: dark and cold. The whites of his eyes contrasted sharply with the pitch black iris that sunk deep into his head. Though it's depth resembled that of a black hole in space and air of eeriness plus unsettling coldness emanating from his gaze, a spark of light twinkled; in her vision, Yoongi's eyes held a sweet silence before dawn, a reminder that the dark aren't always meant to be a bad thing.

"Little kittens like you are too pure for this cruel world. Such a shame... that reality won't leave souls like yours away from torment," he tucks in a lock of her hair behind her ear as he brings his body to a sitting position. Like a sloth, Yoongi propelled his long limbs to the ground with strain. "Remember my warning kitten. You're an assistant. Remain as an assistant."

'But...' (Y/N) gulped a heavy lump on her throat. 'It feels like I've already crossed that boundary and I had no control of it whatsoever.'

(Y/N) glances at his walking form exiting her quarters, moderately limping. She knows that digging herself deep to her superiors' lives is troublesome, but she can't help but to be curious.

And curiosity comes with a dangerous price.

Is she willing to pay?

'I'm an assistant. Remain as an assistant.'

Yet there is that tug.

A numbing force known as fate— an entity crueler than death. They are the demons in every person's life; they possess each mortal by a rope around their neck, threatening them that if they do not follow what fate desires, hell will come. At last, (Y/N) brought her hand heavily upon her destiny, succumbing to whatever it holds for her— ignoring Yoongi's pivotal warning as she continues her unexplainable fascination towards the seven men of the household.


(Y/N) walked along the glossy tiles of the mansion halls at a leisurely tread. Whenever she closes her eyes in hopes of getting a decent amount of rest, her mind splurges on a tussle of conflicting thoughts that keeps her awake. With her psyche preoccupied by Yoongi's warnings and questions regarding the boys, (Y/N) needed fresh air to think properly before she decides to act.

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