Chapter 18: Harmless Addiction

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June 15, 2019  8:00 P.M

Relief isn't enough to describe (Y/N)'s current state of mind.

Yoongi left her sleeping quarters without a chase and the sweet silence she yearned this whole entire day had drowned her body into a sweet oasis. Though, she did at some point question Yoongi's sudden decision of leaving her room... maybe he got tired of her bed (which (Y/N) still questions how you can get tired of a bed) or he simply needed to do his own affairs. And there is this one thought... a thought that bugged her mind, leaving a daunting sensation scattering at the back of her head.

Was her eyes playing tricks?

Or did she really see Namjoon?

Whatever it was, (Y/N) wants to get rid of it. She inhaled and exhaled, allowing her body to meditate and banish the negative suspicions. Fuck. She really can't stop thinking about it. So many questions without answers.

If it really was Namjoon they why was he watching Yoongi and (Y/N)? Why did he not spoken up or knocked? And lastly, what is he going to since he'd seen her interacting with someone when she was told not too? (Y/N) clearly remembers closing the door so he must've chosen to open it himself.

knock... knock

'You've got to be kidding me.'

The knock came quietly first and then there was silence. She stood at the wall furthest from the door, her lips quivering in anxiousness that it might be one of the maknaes, or worst, Namjoon. Then, the knock was louder and faster.

"(Y/N) I know that you're in there." A muffled voice came from the other side. With difficulty, the female had troubles distinguishing the owner of the voice. (Y/N) stared at the door, unmoving and refusing to reply. "(Y/N) it's Hoseok. I have something for you. It's important."

As the male established his name and his purpose, (Y/N) rubbed the nape of her neck out of embarrassment. How could she keep Hobi waiting? (Y/N), as she opened the door, is met with a solemn aura.

"I apologize for making you wait. I was in my bathroom. H-Hobi?"

The jarring scent of alcohol can be smelt from his lips, even if he was two to three feet away from her. (Y/N) can see Hoseok struggling to keep his balance straight. His legs won't work as he tell them, neither do his hands and fingers.

"Please..." Hoseok bit his lips. "Help me (Y/N). Help me to be happy. I have everything I've ever wanted— branded clothes, expensive cars, luxurious estates, but none of them makes me happy. I-I feel so empty... why can't I be happy no matter how much I work?!"

His mouth wouldn't stop moving and talking.

Hoseok felt the earth rocking beneath him and his mind drifting in and out like a tide. Though his vision wavered, there was one thing Hoseok was sure off. (Y/N) is here... with him, that's all what matters. "I'm so sorry. I'm a fool, such an ignorant fool. You shouldn't be dragged to my problems. You-you're already have yours to deal w-with..."

"Look at me. It's okay if you nee— HOBI!"

The male collapses forward, his body laying on top of (Y/N)'s. God. His head is throbbing so much. He leant his head against (Y/N)'s shoulders, squeezing his eyes shut as he willed his suffering to go away. At a snail's pace, the (h/c) haired female lifted the partially-passed-out Hoseok off her. She puffs out strained sigh.

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