Chapter 3: Gluttony and Wrath

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"Yah! I got it first bunny boy!" She shouted loudly.

The man raised his eyebrows upon hearing the name "Bunny Boy". His fluffy hazelnut brown hair bounced as he tugs the plate harder, trying to convince (Y/N) to give him the cake with all his might.

"But I'm hungry, I haven't had a single meal the whole day!!" He tries to resonate the girl.

"I smell cap!"


"Noona? Yah! Are you saying I'm old?!?"

"Well you look older than me, I'm 22!"

"I-I'm 23..." (Y/N) trails.

The hungry female focused on his suit, taken back at how they're accidentally matching. He wore a red, the same shade as her's, suit decorated with intricate black patterns.

Then she shifted her gaze on his eyes. They darted back and forth between her and the cake. His are the color of earthy brown, with a playful glint that seemed to reflect the corners of his mouth, which are fighting a smile despite being annoyed. They're every shade of brown you could imagine, a raw umber and caramel mix, dotted with bits of dark chocolate. If he isn't fighting for a cake, (Y/N) could tell that they usually glow with humor and mischievousness.

(Y/N) began contemplating her decisions, thinking to herself that fighting over a cake is silly and a waste of her time. Her grip on the plate slowly loosened, finally letting go of the dessert she's been craving the whole entire time.

As (Y/N) opened her mouth to give her last words before parting her ways with the male, a spoon is shoved in her mouth. Jungkook retracted the metalware after she accepted the piece of cake to let her chew the mouthwatering content and savor its taste.

"Man that's good, I regret giving you the cake now," she rubs the nape of her neck, slightly embarrassed that a stranger fed her.

"Well thanks for giving the cake anyways, my name's Jungkook and if we get close enough, you can call me Kookie."

Jungkook held his hand for the girl to shake and she gladly accepted since he's the first normal one she've met all night.

It might not look normal to other people, but to (Y/N), she completely understands the fuss. I mean... who wouldn't fight for food? She would fight for food. Everyone would fight for food so case closed.

"My name's (Y/N), nice to meet you Jungkook."

"Likewise." He smiles brightly. His lips dropped, cheeks flushed red, as (Y/N) reaches her arms to wipe the left over crumbs and icing staining the side of his lips with a napkin. He inhaled sharply, smelling the wonderful aroma of her lotion. "A-ah, thanks."

Shaking of his flustered state, Jungkook settles down the plate on top of a nearby table. He grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the walking servants to relieve his parched throat. (Y/N) calmly steps back in hopes to avoid the same mishaps she'd experienced earlier.

"Walk with me?" Jungkook asked, holding his arm out for (Y/N) to take as he finished his drink.

"I'm actually looking for my friend, I have to find her soon—"

"Perfect! I'm looking for my friend too, let's go together."

It took a moment for (Y/N) to make the decision. She hesitantly accepted his offer and linked her arm with his and began walking into the halls, searching for their friends. 'He seems really nice...' her thoughts are abruptly stopped as the rattling noises of a plastic packet being opened entered her line of hearing. She glances over at Jungkook who's now gobbling a jumbo size chocolate chip cookie.

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