Chapter 7: Lecherous Beast

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The blackness of the room blankets (Y/N)'s still form. She laid on the bed, specifically Yoongi's bed, turning occasionally to find the most comfortable position. Unfortunately, no position is comfortable enough; minutes that she spent turning and shuffling drag into longer hours. The female refuses to look at the clock in her phone; to see that it's past the initial time she wanted to sleep would be enough to send her heart racing, making her matters of not being able to sleep worse.

'Sleep? Who's that? I don't know her.'

(Y/N) huffs a loud groan in frustration. You know when you're so fucking frustrated on something you can't help but to cry because you feel so hopeless? That's her right now.

After deciding that there's no way in hell she would sleep on top of the cold hard floor after she went through that nightmare, (Y/N) groggily dragged herself to Yoongi's room— too tired to even give care if someone sees her so late in the night entering one of her boss's room.

Plus, there was this chilling sensation at the back of her neck; (Y/N) felt like someone was watching her, but that might just be one of her crazy imaginations.

Distracted by her own thoughts, (Y/N) took no notice of the electric blue hair male entering the quarters mindlessly. Still half asleep, he laid beside her smoothly, unaware that this human being beside him isn't Yoongi.

'Something isn't right... why is Yoongi hyung moving so much? When he sleeps, his body is as dead as a corpse,' Taehyung sat up to observe the strange body.

Words left his mouth as (Y/N) turns around to change her position yet again, only to be met with Taehyung's bright blue eyes burning with bewilderment. His heart felt silent, but began thumping again harder as he realized (Y/N) was only wearing a night gown with only her underwear and no brassiere.

Before (Y/N) could scream, Taehyung covered her mouth with his hand.

"Don't scream, people are sleeping," Taehyung half whispered, being mindful of the people sleeping. "Wait aren't you the new assistant I met earlier? What are you doing here newbie?"

Taehyung uncovers her mouth by moving his hand to let her speak, but she couldn't command her lips to talk. In (Y/N)'s eyes, everything was slow and warbled as Taehyung inches is body closer to her's. Heart beating fast and face blistering hot from his presence, her body turned to a Greek statue.

"Do you have nothing to say newbie?" Taehyung teases.

His fingers trails at the side of her hips, slowly riding her night dress up to expose the skin of her upper thighs in hopes to see the true outline of her body. (Y/N) gasps at the feeling of cold air touching her skin, as well as Taehyung trapping her underneath him.

"Yoo-Yoongi is sleeping in my room," she bit her lips, drowsiness disfranchising her to speak coherent sentences. "And he told me to sleep in his room for a while."

Alluringly, (Y/N) blink her eyes from time to time, allowing her eyelashes to flutter like the wings of a breathtaking butterfly. Her words drowned into oblivion as all Taehyung could focus on was her spellbinding eyes. A strong sensation at the pits of his stomach grew the longer he stared at her, as if his gut is trying to tell him something.

"Name," he demanded.

'But I already said my name earlier, did he not listen?' "(Y/N) (L/N), sir."

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