Chapter 19: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

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"No freaking way."

(Y/N)'s body stopped dead, head unable to process the woman in front of her.

"Y-Yoonah?" (Y/N) stuttered, backing away in surprise. After a moment of realization, she greeted Yoonah with a big bear hug, hugging her tightly in her arms while Hoseok stands on the side, his smile getting wider and wider from seeing (Y/N)'s light up in joy.

"I know that adjusting to a new environment could be a little hard," Hoseok rested his hands on (Y/N)'s shoulder your get her attention, "that's why I made an arrangement to fly Yoonah back here so you could your stress levels could go down a bit..."

(Y/N) smiles. She lets go of Yoonah briefly before walking up to Hoseok and wrapped her arms around his waist. The male returned the gesture, rubbing circles around her back.

"Thank you," she whispered to his ear. "I really appreciate it. Thank you so much."

"Anything for you my jewel," Hoseok kisses her forehead, enveloping her warmth with giddy and delight. She is his diamond that gleams as bright as the sun's rays lighting the ocean at dawn; radiant and shining, it reigns supreme amongst all jewels and gems— (Y/N) was one of a kind to his eyes; her imperfect yet perfect features scorned those of others.

Yet her glimmering wickedly in the sunlight had turned to everything he desires. She's more precious than gold, and more beautiful too— she is his jewel after all. (Y/N) casted hope and a fortune of emotions he couldn't fathom, but it led to the most dangerous thing.

It lead him to his crippling greed.

"(Y/N) I have something to tell you," Yoonah spoke up. (Y/N) easily let go of Hoseok to turn her full attention back to Yoonah who's fiddling with her fingers. "Maybe leaving you here was a mistake. I wanted the best for you just like how you wanted the best for me... I miss having my friend, my sister that's been with me through my ups and downs. If you're willing to go with me..."

"What... what are you trying to say?" (Y/N)'s mouth gape wide open. Yoonah gripped her best friend's hands, eyes showing determination.

"You're going with me to America."

Hoseok's face fell faster than a bullet. 'What?' He thought in disbelief. 'T-this isn't suppose happen— Wait. Wait—no!' He looks back and forth between the two females, hoping that all of this was just a prank... or... or... something else other than that shit!

"W-Wow that's amazing. I," Hoseok chokes on his own words, "I'm happy... really happy for you (Y/N). You too... Yoonah."

Hoseok's smile flawlessly hid the scream he so desperately wanted to conceal. As the two best friends cheered for their upcoming trip to America, Hoseok wanted nothing more than to collapse in his own room to release the intense and distressed cries. But he stood there... unmoving until a thread in his snapped. He wanted to let his maniacal laugh to come in gusting bursts to break the reunion.

Yoonah is taking his jewel away from him. The light in his eyes disappeared, replaced by darkness. Darkness that suffocated his body like a damp, musty, thick blanket, clinging to every inch of his sun-kissed skin.

There, Hoseok clenched his hands into a white-knuckled fist as his paled lips forced itself to stretch into a petrifying smile. Taking a step forward to act on his impulses— pull (Y/N) away from Yoonah once and for all to take (Y/N) all to himself— Hoseok noticed the door slightly open where a pair of bloodshot eyes peered over the fiery panorama.

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