Chapter 2: Lust

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"Watch where you're going! You ruined my custom made suit, girl!"

Seokjin casted his golden eyes to the female in front of him. He clenches his teeth with so much pressure, his gums began to hurt all because of this young woman who crashed to him. Oh he isn't just frustrated, he's beyond that.

Everyone in the room looked at the turmoil with curious gazes, some even laughing and mocking Seokjin. The male looked around, gaze shaking from this negative attention. He inhaled a gash of wind, calming the anger bubbling at the pits of his stomach that's itching to burn itself out and lash at the female without mercy.

He forced a smile, grabbing a napkin from a nearby table to wipe his suit, but the stain of the red wine is impossible to take off no matter how much he tries to scrub it off.

"I'm so sorry, it was accident. I'm willing to pay for the cleaning!"

Seokjin shot her another menacing look, breaking the calm demeanor he tried so hard to have.

"Cleaning? CLEANING?! You know how expensive this suit is? It costs more than your whole entire existence you imbecile! I'm guessing that bumping to me is the only way for you to catch my attention, but you've gone too far girl. You might think I'll be your Prince Charming because of how gorgeous I am, but think twice."

'What have I gotten myself into,' she thought.

Yoonah, (Y/N)'s best friend, placed her hands on (Y/N)'s shoulder and whispered, "I'll handle this. Go walk around before everything gets out of control and I'll find you okay?"

(Y/N) nodded and thanked her best friend before exiting the chaotic scene.

I should have never came! (Y/N) thought, storming out of the hall and into a secluded area behind the building. She heaved a sigh, hoping that this night would be over. 'I should probably tell Yoonah that I'm leaving, I obviously don't belong here. So many people with expensive things and the only thing I have is my rusted earrings that I bought in a convenient store...'

'Well at least my bank balance is a constant reminder that I'm safe from identity theft.'

Every year, Yoonah is always invited to a ball yet is always hesitant to go because she had no escort nor a friend to be with. But this year, she had no choice to go; her father insisted her to enter the ball to meet with one of the Kims for a business proposition— as well as other things— so she begged (Y/N) to come with her.

It was hopeless to decline Yoonah; afterall, she basically feed, shelter, and give (Y/N) financial stability. Unlike (Y/N) who had to work for her own money, Yoonah is born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but together, they got rid of their social differences. They protected, saved, and guarded each other as if they were sisters by blood; and whenever one is not feeling good, just the thought of each other's name lightens their mood.

Yoonah, the helpful friend she is, provided (Y/N) a dress to wear to the ball that costed more than (Y/N)'s annual income.

And what did (Y/N) bring to the ball?

Her two dollar earrings, already rusting, that she got from a convenient store.

And her three dollar necklace, that she bargained from one of the old ladies in a swap meet.

(Y/N) looked at her reflection of the window, seeing how unfitted she looked within the exquisiteness of her red couture evening gown.

It didn't feel right wearing this.

She doesn't belong in this type of social gathering.

But she pushed the thought back, thinking positively that this dress and being here is an opportunity to see the life she could have if she worked hard enough.

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