Chapter 9: Envy

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(Y/N) stretches her hands up in the air, taking in a big breath and exhaled heavily as she hits her aching lower back with the top of her fists. Lucky for her, Taehyung wasn't in his room when she needed to clean it. (Y/N) remembers slapping in a pair of gloves and a protective mask as she handles Taehyung's dirty, dirty sheets filled with white goo.

"That was so nasty," (Y/N) shudders at her comment, thinking of the unpleasant texture of his bed sheets against her latex gloves.

"What was nasty?"

(Y/N) jumps back when her eyes locked with the man in front of her. Her lungs refused to intake air as she was too besotted to his beautiful eyes. Colored with the hues of the forest, the kind of earthy green that revives the grass after a cruel, unforgiving winter— held a chaotic nature behind those green irises; never before has (Y/N) seen eyes holding such danger and beauty all at once.

Then her mind clicked.

A panic-stricken chill detonated inside of her consciousness upon the realization that she is standing in front of the Kim Namjoon— the leader of this house and most, if not the whole, of South Korea's economy. He didn't look flat nor dull— there is this wild fire in his eyes: reckless, untamed, yet undeniably captivating.

How does she greet him?!

'Think (Y/N), think! Oh! How would Jaemin greet them?! And Seokjin, his brother, preferred to be called Master Seokjin so—'

"Master Namjoon." (Y/N) bows her head slightly as she formally greeted her boss.

Namjoon waves his hands, signaling for her to stop acting too formally around him. When he smiles, two dimples appears in his face and his chiseled jaw just makes him more attractive. His black turtleneck hugs his perfectly toned body, complementing his muscled pecks.

"No need to act formal, I'm not like Seokjin so don't fret," Namjoon passively stated, no emotional strings lacing his voice. "Namjoon is fine."

"Oh... alright Namjoon. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)— wait he already knows that, he's the one who hired me—" (Y/N) rambles, still unsure how to properly act around him.

"Let me guess, Yoonah described me as the intimidating business man who's not scared to put anyone down if I don't like them so you're scared?" He questions whilst crossing his arms, causing her anxiety levels to go higher. The male cocked one of his eyebrows, his green eyes staring at her small statue as if he's about to devour her.

"Yes..." she squeaks.

"Ahhh that girl," Namjoon tsks, laughing in between his words. (Y/N)'s shoulder relaxes once she heard his soft voice. "Believe me, I'm not like that. I might be boring at times, as Yoonah annoyingly states, but I ain't bad."

"Oof thank the lords, I can breathe again." (Y/N) mutters underneath her breathe, thinking that Namjoon didn't hear her, but he did.

"You didn't answer my question earlier. What's nasty? I would need to know this situation so I can solve it right away," he explains, putting up his black specks with his index finger.

"Ah... I was just cleaning Taehyung's... sheets."

Namjoon smiles and bursts out into another fits of laughters. He patted the female's shoulders, sympathizing her situation. "I get it and trust me... you're not the only one. Before we had our assistant, butlers, or maids... Seokjin decided to change the sheets himself because he couldn't stand the mess, he believed that we shouldn't be living in quote, 'filth'. I remember Seokjin gagging every single day... boy what a memory."

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