Chapter 27: Who's The Real Monster

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⚠️Triggering/Taboo/ Scenes

June 22, 2019
8:00 am

Everything happened fast.

Before shock could register on both (Y/N) and Taehyung's expressions, the door swung open in a loud jolt, the wooden material colliding against the cold and hard wall. Jimin had already advanced forward quickly— pouncing his right tightened fists against Taehyung's jaw, sending the electric haired male off the bed.

Jimin momentarily glanced at (Y/N)'s face that was washed blank with utter confusion, like her brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take the information in from her wide, doe eyes, as he shook his fists. After (Y/N) snapped out of her stupor, her hands frantically searched for her missing clothes and put them on as Jimin trained his snake-like gaze back to the groaning male below him, ready to pounce his aching fists once more, but a stern, clear voice stopped his upcoming action.

"Stop!" (Y/N) yelled.

"I haven't even done half of the damage and you want me to stop?" Jimin chuckled, his laughs dripping with sarcasm. He titled his head, one hand wrapping around Taehyung's neck and sneered.

"He fucked you. He touched you. The woman that belongs to me and only me." He applied more pressure around Taehyung's throat, causing the male under the restraint to tap the ground in desperation, hoping that Jimin would take the sign of defeat for his lungs craved oxygen. "Getting suffocated to death isn't as bad compared to how I killed other people. I'm actually quite considerate at this moment because I regarded him as a close friend!!"

"Let go." Hoseok demanded, his monotonous voice spoke of warning and menace. "I'm not going to repeat myself again. Park. Ji. Min."

Jimin immediately released Taehyung from his hold, knowing to never argue with his elder. Hoseok isn't one to quarrel regardless the issue of the situation. Best known for his adequate composure, Hoseok is easily put in second place beside Namjoon; carefully spoken, his words had an air of finality to them. So if Jung Hoseok is disrespected or if someone doesn't comply with what he wants, a hurricane will surely be at your doorstep.

Hoseok wasted no time to grab a blanket from the bed to shield Taehyung's naked body and heave him from the ground.

"I'm taking you to your brother," he whispered, attempting to hide the disdain in his tone.

The purpled eyed male too was angry— jealous even— that someone laid a hand to his precious jewel, but now isn't the correct time. Taehyung needed medical attention and surely, Jimin isn't going to help him for he was the one that inflicted the pain. Hoseok gestured (Y/N) to follow them by nudging his head to the direction of the door, but she gave him a reassuring look that she'll stay. Upon affirmation, though Hoseok was hesitant, left with Taehyung and abandoned (Y/N) with Jimin.

"Dangerous decision, (Y/N). You could've left with Hoseok's protection yet you stayed here after witnessing a man's near death experience caused by yours truly," he smirked. "Then yet again, what do you have to loose? Certainly not your sanity."

Jimin rested his palms onto the soft cushion of the bed and leaned his muscular form forward, only stopping until their faces are an inch apart— if not, closer. "You've lost it the moment you were born babygirl."

Her hot, labored breaths fanned his Cupid's bow. Noticing how (Y/N) held her breath due to their proximity, Jimin scoffs and retracted hisself away to give her space.

"You remember do you? You remember what you did to your parents... to Lucas..."

"No," she clenched her jaw, "I don't."

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