Chapter 20: Brat

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(Y/N) couldn't stand idle in her room whilst waiting for her best friend's call or text; so she decided to leave her room and take a walk to calm her rapid mind.

She's ecstatic, fidgety, and even more so, completely unaware of the tense atmosphere around the mansion's staff and the boys themselves. Everyone have been on their tenterhooks; the suspense of the next upcoming move gripped their throat with a rope, holding them on the edge of the bucket until someone at last makes their action, kicking the bucket and sending the victim to their slow and agonizing death.

The working residents of the mansion knew the sickly infatuation their masters had acquired towards their newly hired assistant. Ironically, that stupid air-head assistant herself doesn't know that because she chooses to push that idea away and is too busy daydreaming about her forthcoming flight to America, the once great country that is ruined by an orange traffic cone.

Her steps abruptly stopped in front of Seokjin's office, noticing how the door was fully opened when it's usually closed. As (Y/N) peaked her head in, she sees Seokjin carrying a numerable amount of files on his hands, each stating different patient's names— it wasn't a new thing, but there were more than usual. His expression was fixed in a tight knit, stress and frustration evident on the creases of his forehead.

"Knock knock," (Y/N) says, smiling.

Seokjin looks up. As if her voice had activated a button in his head, the male automatically smiled at her arrival.

"Hey... do you need any help?" She inquires, deciding that if she was going to leave soon, she might as well leave a good, non-quarreling memory with the one and only egotistical king.

"Well I'm capable of handling these documents myself," he paused, eyes going down to his papers as a tint of pink bloomed in his cheeks, "but it isn't so bad having a little help from time to time. Even the greatest people needs aid."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say, Master," she joked.

"I thought I made it clear to call me just Seokjin?"

"Okay 'just Seokjin'."

"(Y/N)," Seokjin raises his eyebrows, fighting back another smile that could possibly expose to her that he was beginning to enjoy her company. "I'm being serious."

He hadn't smiled like this in a very long time and (Y/N) being the sole purpose of this crumbled his pride because how can a woman of her status bring him joy? But as he continues to be with her, Seokjin is forgetting the meaning of statuses or the reminders of his past failure that proceeds to frequent his mind when he accidentally makes a mistake.

"Alright alright, calm thyself," she punches his shoulder lightly. "I thought my puns would expand your sense of humor."

"Don't remind of the puns," Seokjin groans, chuckling a bit from the memory.

"They were amazing for your information."

"Yeah, sure, especially the butt quacks."

"Especially the butt quacks!" (Y/N) laughs, jumping in delight that Seokjin took the time to remember her simple joke when before he could barely recall her name. "I can't believe you remember that! I mean who would forget my wonderful puns?"

"Easy there tiger, aren't you boasting about your puns way too much?"

"Yes, yes I am. Now you know how I feel when you boast about yourself too much."

"Touché, but I actually have a reason m'lady," he mocked how a prince would usually bow to a princess, laughing in the process. He leans against his desk, resting both him palms to his thighs as he observes (Y/N).

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