Chapter 23: Perfidy

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June 17, 2019
3:00 pm

"Why isn't Yoonah picking up?!" (Y/N) chucked her cellular device to the bed, sighing in exasperation— frustrated that her best friend wasn't answering nor calling her back. There was a nefarious feeling that churned and twisted within (Y/N)'s stomach, making the female pace back and forth restlessly with arms crossing her chest as she bit her lower lip. "Oh god Yoonah please... please pick up."

(Y/N) dove to her bed, arms reaching out to retrieve her device and call Yoonah one more time. Once she had her belonging secured, a pale hand shot up from the covers, digits wrapping around her wrists before fully submerging (Y/N) to the bed. A winded gasp forced its way out of her throat; a warm body engulfed the entirety of the female's form, followed by a head nuzzling itself on the crook of her neck. Hot, labored breaths fanned (Y/N)'s neck, sending a militia of goosebumps to march down her spine.

'I won't even question how he got into my room unnoticed... again. It's my fault for being unwary of my own surroundings.'

"Y-Yoongi," (Y/N) stutters. Her cheeks burned bright red, flustered at the way Yoongi caresses the expanse of her back. "I'm not in the mo-"



"Don't test me when I'm extremely tired (Y/N)," he warned, darkness lacing his tone. "Let me do this to you."

He grimaced and tightened his jaw. The black headed male had no forbearance dealing with (Y/N)'s pointless mitherings; Yoongi had a far too long of a night without his precious slumber. He sucked his teeth as he witnessed (Y/N)'s pretty mouth mustering itself to verbalize words of disobedience. He leaned his head forward, an inch barely distancing the two.

"Didn't I say to not test me?" Yoongi dragged his voice into a low timbre. "I apologize in advance for my future actions because when I'm sleep deprived, I have no control of anything kitten."

He imagined (Y/N)'s mouth opening, preparing to belt out the loudest scream she could muster; then she suddenly stops as his lips cover's hers. Yoongi would be gentle yet firm— he would want to assert his dominance. He gulped... maybe it wasn't so bad (Y/N) testing him; in fact, Yoongi want her to annoy the shit out of him right now.

"You wouldn't do anything to me," she said in a rather hopeful tone. "I know you wouldn't."

(Y/N) could hardly swallow; their taunting distance formulated incomprehensible heat between their bodies as the need to touch and hold (Y/N) drove Yoongi pass an elevated cliff watching over the ocean. His body plummeted to the freezing waters, stealing him of his warmth and breath until he sees a light in the suffocating darkness. She was his source of life— the only person able to bring him back to the mortal realm. Yet here she is... jittering as her senses spiked at the lecherous and sinister ambience radiating through Yoongi's skin. Unlike Yoongi who sees (Y/N) as his savior from eternal twilight, she sees him as a threat, a possible danger to her life. 

"You're right..." Yoongi whispers. "I wouldn't."

He wasn't finished.

"I wouldn't do anything to you without your consent. So I'm kindly asking, kitten. Would you let your master touch you?" It wasn't a question. It was a demand. "I've been waiting ever since last night kitten."

Yoongi stared down at (Y/N) with a glare, his obsidian eyes evaluating every detail of expression written on her bewitching features as his body loomed over her's at an invasive propinquity.

Aside from the beat of (Y/N)'s heart, no muscle is unable to move. That pounding inside beat a rhythm to Yoongi's request. His sharp stare was like a bullet entering her insides as if she was nothing, just meat, blood, and bones he could easily toss around. She didn't know what came over him— who was this man? This wasn't the Yoongi she knows. He was different. Gone the cranky sleeping beauty she knew— Yoongi was replaced by a cold-bloodied reptile dragon that sought to destroy whomever disturb its slumber. He was meant to drown in the ocean... to never roam the skies of the heavens.

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