Chapter 15: Let The Devil Loose

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June 11, 2019

(Y/N) carefully rolled herself off Jimin's bed, making sure to not wake the sleeping male. One moment he's slipping his digits past her entrance all while kissing her with passion and vexation, creating a dangerous mixture of emotions she couldn't fathom and the next, she's sleeping. How could she fall asleep so easily? Maybe it was the tiredness of her body, but in all... (Y/N) doesn't know.

But she woke up faster than she slept.

During in slumber, her skin boiled far hotter than a newly cooked stew; the sensation of the toxins of her past resurfaced in the present through blistering bubbles. She couldn't take it; she found it extremely difficult to stay asleep.

(Y/N) exhales a soft sigh as she witnesses Jimin sleeping still. The only movement was the slight rise and fall of his chest. It's hard to visualize that this is the same boy that terrorize any living being, dragging them to their death beds with ease. In sleep... he's angelic. His face flushed red, cute boop-able nose making snuffling noises as he breathed.

Realizing that it was time to leave to execute the tasks she delayed, the (h/c) headed female grabbed her necessities before exiting the room without disturbing Jimin.

"(Y/N)..." he whispers, his hands searching for warmth. Jimin shifts to his side, and after patting an empty space for a couple of seconds, the heavy eyelids that confined his vision to darkness shot open upon realizing the woman he yearns for disappeared from his touch. "(Y/N)?!?"

"She left," Mrs. Park sits on the cough that resides in front of his bed, her legs crossed, while holding tea cup containing a classic red wine in her hand. Her face seems cold as resentment fumes out from her eyes. She wasn't that kind, tender woman a few days ago with a compassionate smile plastering her plastic face.

Her moods changed into something malicious, something more dangerous than her son could ever generate when he's mad.


"What did you do to the girl?" She questioned, her voice streaking with venom. The wine stained her lips, creating dark hues of red at the inner parts of her lips. Mrs. Park squinted at him through hardened eyes; every muscle in her face was tense and without a word she communicated intense mistrust and anger. "I've known her ever since she was little, Park Jimin. I've known her longer than I've known you."

Jimin tensed at her last sentence. He clenched his fists into a tight ball. "I've done nothing to he—"


"Liar," Mrs. Park spat viciously. "Haven't I told you this already Jimin? No one can lie to me because if they do... I can easily compel them to confess or perform any tasks I order. You remember don't you? ...the day when the Kim's brought you in because you were assigned to assassinate Seokjin. Min Yoongi failed to tame you... but..."

The mother smirks as she pulls a tiny spoon from her pocket. Jimin recoils back, watching his kin clinging the object against her tea cup. The cling-clanging sound was shrill, jangling his nerves each time she repeats her movements; it snapped him into a stupor, trapping Jimin in a psychosis as if the noise had hardwired his brain to listen to his mother's commands without any of his will.

"I've tamed you through hypnosis by calming your beast side... when the Kims brought you in... I thought that I would have the son that was taken away from me, but instead, I received a monster who wants nothing but blood." Mrs. Park perched Jimin, the frail puppet, down his bed. "Long story short, since you're already aware of this information, I've worked as an interrogator for the police. In that time, I discovered a way to condition people by tapping into their brain with a single tap on my teacup. I've done to you... and also (Y/N)."

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