Chapter 14: Beauty and The Beast

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⚠️ Sexual Scenes; masochist/sadist

June 10, 2019 9:00 A.M


The absolute stillness of the air seemed to suck even the sound of her footfalls into the nothingness of the empty halls. No maids, butlers, nor guards roamed. Even the trees outside of the mansion didn't rustle, as if they were tense with the nerves for what was to come.

Instead of collecting all of the laundries first before cleaning the designated room of the day, (Y/N) established it was best to do the opposite this week. Doing her chores in an orderly manner and making sure that the extra requests of some of the boys, like delivering paperwork to Namjoon's room, is done, (Y/N) felt productive; the dreadful events yesterday vanished from her train of thoughts since she's too occupied with her tasks.

"Taehyung..." (Y/N) knocked the wooden material of his door gently at first. Then there was silence. The usual silence (Y/N) experiences early in the morning when collecting their laundry. "I'm coming in."

During her first trips in his room, (Y/N) normally see a woman in his arms, both of them naked. Over a period of time, new girls residing within his personal quarters became scarce; the contacts in his phone seemed to disappear— there was no more of that annoying pinging sound every second, no more changing his sheets everyday, and no more of his usual flirtatious self. Odd— you can even call it strange— that Taehyung is not inviting anymore people to his bed.

It became a hot topic among the workers.

There were rumors that Taehyung finally found someone.

But (Y/N) didn't care.

She had to not care despite the vivid curiosity written across her eyes.

"Are you going to leave me again to suffer on my own or will you stay here to help darling?" A small smile played on his lips as he rose from his bed. His sweet and intoxicating words sounded rich, luxurious, and warm when he spoke.

A siren.

That's what (Y/N) sees him as.

She got so lost in his poisonous and toxic voice that her legs began moving on its own; she walked to him, pulled by an invisible string of words that drifted from his lips. She soon found herself lost in his blue, oceanic eyes.

"Taehyung..." she whispered as he caught a hold of her wrists, forcefully tugging her down to his bed where he laid. "Stop. You have to stop."

He leans closer until their breaths mingled.

"You want me as much as I want you (Y/N)." His hands gained an unnatural strength, one the female thought that no human being could ever possess, as they clenched her wrists in secure hold to keep (Y/N) in place. "Explain this to me... why does my heart keep beating so fast every time I see and touch you. The simplest touch, the slightest words... my heart hurts so much. It hurts when you mentioned Jaemin. It hurts when you ignore me. It hurts when you're not here with me."

(Y/N)'s palms gripped the sheets underneath her. Gulping the ball of saliva stuck in her throat, perspiration trickles down her temple, hands— clammy and shaky— and adrenaline flowing faster than any wind storms to hit the face of the earth. The ability to think logically or the will to move left her system.

"Soft. Your hands. Your skin. Soft and warm. I want your skin against mine, (Y/N) will you let me touch you. Just this once. I want to feel you against me, skin to skin."

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