Chapter 6: Something Sweet

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June 3,2019 1:30 A.M

(Y/N) opened her sunken and glassy eyes.

Unaware of what occurred that led her to this moment, (Y/N) shivered in fear. Her skin grew colder and paler as the temperature dropped below freezing point; she could see the warmth of her breath colliding with the cold air, patches of her skin turning blue and green, and lips so chapped it began to crack and bleed.

Then, realization hit her.

She's going to die.

The memories of being chained, battered, starved, taken advantage of her body, and deprivation of sleep snapped her back to this reality she called hell. (Y/N)'s delicate hands, slender and shattered from the constant tug of the chains that bounded her against the wall, moves yet again in hopes that she could break it.

But it's hopeless.

Months spent in this filthy hole, in the middle of nowhere, slowly being broken, death was all she hoped for. She thought death is a release, but now as her time is really at its peak, her breathing became unstable; the female felt suffocated, the same way if she was being choked to death but not quickly— only slowly. She didn't want to accept her impending doom.

She struggled against the firm chains gripping her wrists and ankles, only to receive another tug. She's willing to do anything, as she really had nothing to loose— her mind is clouded by fear, and her body went limp.

She cried loudly, but no one can hear.

Except for him.

(Y/N)'s cries got louder and louder. When she opened her mouth to speak, the words come in into a whole jumble, the sounds half swallowed by sobbing noises.

"Please don't do this to me," she pleaded. "I thought that you loved me! Please! Don't kill me! Please!"

"PLEASE!" (Y/N) awakens from her deep and terrifying slumber, as if sleeping had become a dangerous thing.

'Nightmare. It's just a nightmare. I thought this would stop. It already stopped before, why did it freaking come back?! Why does memories keep coming back?!'

With her face soaked in sweat, (Y/N) used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe it off. Her heart beats fast and there is this buzzing in her brain, low and painful, as it kept throbbing. (Y/N) remained on the floor; she pulls her hands around her knees, hugging them so close that they dig into her chest. All she hears is her own breathing, a sound that brought life in these eerily quiet hall. Now with every intake, (Y/N) feels an invisible rope around her neck grow tighter and the hall, the house, everything are all furthering away.

"(Y/N)?" She recognizes that voice.

Hoseok trudges towards her. He looked as tired as her, with bags building underneath the socket of his eye.

"What are you doing here so late at night? Are you okay? You're sweating a lot and... and crying?" The purple eyed male cupped his hands at each side of her cheeks. "I know that you might be stressed, but please—"


"Hobi," he corrected.

"Hobi," (Y/N) sniffs her runny nose, "I just got a nightmare. And I'm sleeping here because Yoongi is currently at my bed."

"Ahhh already?"

"What do you mean already?" (Y/N) asked curiously.

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