Chapter 26: Incapacitate

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⚠️Triggering/Sexual/Gore Scenes

June 22, 2019
7:00 am

Jungkook fixed his chocolate unanimated eyes upon the marble island containing freshly produces delivered daily to the mansion, dithering which meals he should concoct or ingest. After unintentionally slumbering in his room for a day straight as the poison he'd consumed to gain (Y/N)'s precious attention, he woke up starving— stomach grumbling so loud you could hear it from the other side of the thick, soundproof doors.

Straightening his hunched back, his hands drifted around the pantry in search of knives, pans, and other necessary materials. As he turned the heat of the electric stove, Jungkook worked fluidly with cutting the ingredients, then mixing them to the multiple pans, actions automatic from the countless hours he'd practiced over the years. Soon, his chestnut bangs pasted to his forehead, the cause either from the steam or sweat.

"Master Jungkook," Jaemin called, statue standing behind his superior, "Master Seokjin is asking for your presence in his office regarding your health."

"Inform him I'm busy."

"Now, Master Seokjin said. He doesn't have time to loose. He's currently documenting his previous patient's unexpected death that occurred yesterday."

With that, Jungkook turned hisself around, cocked an eyebrow, and speculated Jaemin's revelation concerning his older companion's plight. The words "patient", "death", and "Seokjin" are never used in a single sentence. Jungkook scrutinized the butler's facial expression— searching for any sign of deception, but once he affirmed that everything was true, his lips twitched downwards to form a desolating frown.

Despite quarreling with Seokjin many times during his stay here at this mansion, Jungkook understood that Seokjin isn't able to handle a death of a patient as it dragooned the doctor into an endless pit of self destruction and hatred. It reminded Seokjin of his significant failure he buried deep within his skull that happened years ago.

"A patient's death? S-Seokjin hyung's patients doesn't die without a warning unless he makes it clear that they will die."

"I'm afraid that wasn't the case, master."

"I see..." Jungkook trails as he hoisted a spoon resting in cabinet, scooping a piece of his delectable work and devoured it in a single bite. Per usual, the wonderful sensation of flavor couldn't be perceived by the buds of his tongues so instead he scooped another piece and turned to Jaemin. "Tell me if this tastes good. I'm serving it Seokjin so you better not lie."

Jaemin hesitantly accepted his superior's offer and gave a satisfying hum; seeing the approval the butler's face was enough of a feedback for Jungkook. He precisely laid the meal in an eye-catching presentation— perfect for a three star Michelin restaurant.


Seokjin sat tense on his chair, elbow resting against his mahogany desk, and fingers tightly intertwined together. "H-How could have Lucas died? Under my watch? I'v-I've done so many checkups, lost countless hours of sleep, and everything— everything that I've could to wake him up." Seokjin buried his face to his palms. "No— no not again! Not again... god not again!! H-How could I loose another human being's life a-again?!"

He banged his fists, kicked his chair back hard against the wall, and coiled his fingers underneath the desk before flipping it upside down— sending the contents that laid on-top to scatter everywhere.

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