Chapter 30: Adrenaline

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'Jung Ji Wo...' Yoonah gulped the saliva stuck inside of her throat as beads of sweat rolled down her temple. 'Hoseok's sister.'

The temperature surrounding them unexpectedly fell as silence engulfed the three. Yoonah, especially her, found it almost impossible to breathe— it's as if the frigid and cold hair had kept her frozen, wicking away her body heat faster than it is replaced. Her clothes, already ripped and battered, felt thinner than they are as she locked eyes with Jiwoo from the rear view mirror, who's observing the two girls behind the driver's seat.

"I didn't expect for us to meet this way..." (Y/N) mutters in a breathy tone, catching both Yoonah and Jiwoo by surprise. The (h/c) haired female cautiously brought one foot to her right hand, glancing at Jiwoo from time to time, as she unties her shoelaces. "Jung Jiwoo. The moment I closed the door and you started driving, I recognized you because Hoseok has picture of the two of you in his bedroom."

Jiwoo gripped the steering wheel of her car and gritted her teeth. "And you're the infamous (Y/N) (L/N), I presume. I heard a lot of stories about you from Hoseok. He didn't fail to mention every single details— from the moment he saw you, the moment he fell in love with you, and the moment you escaped."

"He called me earlier, right after I was discharged from the hospital," Jiwoo chuckles before raising an eyebrow, "you know (Y/N)... I really did hope that you were going to be my friend... my best, best friend because of how Hoseok described you to me. And I still am hoping for that, but it seems like the slot is already taken by her. I don't appreciate it when something I like, something that I want has been taken by someone else."

Yoonah sucks in a deep breath as Jiwoo's threatening words robbed her the ability to move. Her muscles cramped together tightly, the paralyzing fear dictated her stomach to lurch and disgorge the little food she had in her stomach. Too incapacitated with fear, she blinks slowly, her eyelids feeling heavier than what it really is. Her eyes moved to the scenery beyond the window separating her from the freedom she aches to have... then her heart began beating, pounding against her chest as if it was ready to jump out.

The road ways.

The street signs.


It all seems familiar.

That's when she realized...

They were going in circles.

She began to panic. Sweat dripped off her forehead, the bead strolling down her cheeks, jaw, until it splattered on the collar of her shirt. She dug the jagged parts of her nails into the frail tissue of her skin, drawing out crimson blood to pool on her clammy palms. Yoonah crumbled to her seat as the crushing feeling of hopelessness plagued her mind.

Multiple thoughts flashes back and forth as she attempts to think of a way to get themselves out of this car. She thought of using the knife (Y/N) carried earlier, but she remembered it was used to kill the guard that almost caught them. Retrieving the weapon was useless for they already passed the walls; to go back and climb the barrier again would've been dangerous, risky— they would've been caught by another set of guards.

She glanced over her friend, which who she found too calm... too composed in this state of matter.

(Y/N) was frightened, she can't deny that, but this fear is another challenge of her's, another crude and gnarly demon to slay. The only way out is to order her brain to function, to act quickly and create solutions rather than drown herself in her crazy-making circling anxiety.

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