Chapter 26

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"What did you mean 'you don't believe in that'?" Ryder asks when it's just me and him in the living room. I sigh and look at him to see him staring at me with an emotion that looks like love but that can't be it. I'm misunderstanding it, he can't love me. "I don't believe in love. " I say. He looks hurt but then recovers "Why not?" He asks. "True love doesn't just happen like in those romance books on Wattpad. You can't just fall in love with someone and depend on them so much because eventually they will all leave." I say fiddling with my hands. I feel Ryder's intense gaze on me but I don't dare look up. "Dinner is ready" I hear Tony say. I jump up and walk to the dining room still avoiding Ryder's gaze.

"So little cuz, how is everyone in Kentucky doing?" Tony asks. I look at him and realize this is my chance to break him. "Eh. Kyle cheated on me with Tati. Nothing much" I say while putting some food in my mouth. I notice Tony glaring at his plate. "SHE DID WHAT???" He yells at me. I realize he really loves her. I can see the hurt in his eyes and tears that are threatening to leave his eyes. "Yeah but this was a while ago. You guys weren't together" I say trying to calm him realizing I took this too far. "She still hurt you" He says. I sigh and respond with "We are okay now. I don't hate her. She is still a very good friend of mine and it wasn't her idea." I say smiling at him. "Don't hate her because of a mistake that is in the past" I say. "Okay" He says and continues to eat. I see Jackson and Ryder give me confused looks on why I didn't break his heart and to be honest I don't know why I didn't hurt him.

After dinner I said I would clean the dishes so I'm currently in the kitchen doing that. I feel arms snake around my waist and look up to be met with a smiling Ryder. "What's got you so happy?" I ask. "Oh nothing" he says putting his head in the crook of my neck. I roll my eyes at him but I can't stop smiling. What is this guy doing to me? Every time I'm around him I feel happier and my stomach does these weirds dances. I can't like him right? I mean I liked Kyle and never felt this way.

I'm taken out of my thoughts when I realize I'm done with the dishes and turn around. I realize I'm still in Ryder's hold. He looks at me while I look at him. We just continue to gaze into each other's eyes until we hear someone clear their throat. I look and see Jackson leaning on the door frame. Oh and did I mention he has the biggest smirk on his face. I feel my face heat up. Wait! I do not blush. What is happening? "If you two lovebirds are done, Tony just left to see a couple friends and won't be back until morning. That means we need to plan" he says before walking back into the living room. I try to leave Ryder's hold but he just smirks at me and I roll my eyes and say "if you don't let me go you'll be thrown so far you won't land for a week" I say staring at him. He just chuckles but does as I say. I follow Jackson into the living room.

"So what is the plan?" I ask once Ryder walks into the room. "I don't know. You are in charge" Jackson says to me. I raise my eyebrow at him and say "you are the leader, dumbass". He looks at me for a moment and rolls his eyes. "Until this Tony business is over you are in charge. You have been the only one with any ideas since the start" he says looking at me. I roll my eyes at him. "Fine. Saturday I don't want anyone from the gang there unless I approve them. I don't want anyone getting involved who has too much on the line" I say. He nods and stands up and goes to another room to get something. I give Ryder a questioning look and he responds with just a shrug. Jackson comes back with a box full of folders. I look at him confused. "There is a file on every guy in the gang. Pick your allies" he says.

We spent hours going through these files and we have only picked about 20 guys to come Saturday. We don't need to many since we can just say others had family things. I come across my own file and get curious and open it to see a picture of me from when I first joined the gang at 14. There were some things down like my family and others things but the thing that caught my eye was a picture of me,Jackson, and Tony. We used to be so close until Tony decided he was above the rules of the gang and turned to drug dealing. I close my file and continue going through the rest.

We finish the box and I collapse on the couch. I'm so tired. I haven't gotten a full night of sleep for a couple of days now. "I think it's time we hit the hay" Jackson says standing up and walking towards his room. I roll my eyes and was about to continue looking over the files to finalize my choices when Ryder picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Hey put me down. I have work to do" I say pounding my fist on his back. "No, you need to get some sleep or you will be no help on Saturday or tomorrow" He says walking to the guest room. I roll my eyes but decide he's right. "Whatever" I mumble. He chuckles and pats my butt. "Hey watch your hand before I rip it off" I yell at him. He puts his hand up in a mock surrender. Next thing I know is I'm thrown in the guest bed. "You know you didn't have to throw me" I say. "I know but I remember you saying you wanted down" he smirks at me. I ignore him and roll my eyes. I start to lay down when I feel the bed dip and turn over to see a shirtless Ryder. I feel my face heat up again but luckily he can't see it since it's so dark. What is happening to me. Maybe I do like Ryder. I feel Ryder's arm snake around my waist and pull towards his chest. I don't fight back but part of me wonders why I don't. "Goodnight Princess" he says while putting his head into the crook of my neck. "Goodnight Ryder" I say and feel him smile into my neck. Wow who knew LA brought so much trouble with it. That's my last thought before I drift off to sleep.
So I just want to say this is probably one of my favorite chapters because you get a little insight on Tony and his past with Jackson and Chloe. What do you think of Tony so far? Comment.

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