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Author's Note

First of all I would like to thank you, dear reader for selecting this book for your reading pleasure. This book although not a full-fledged sequel, does contain *some* amount of spoilers from my first book The Segment

If you have any intentions to read that book, my recommendation would be to read that one first. If you're not to fussed about the order or spoilers (I get a bit crazy about it hence, the warning), do go right ahead and start reading.

For all of you who have reached here via The Segment, thank you so much for the support. You guys are gems!

Please note that even though this story does touch on faith and Islam, it is completely different from The Segment. The characters, and their actions are not chaste and that will not change regardless of your opinion.

So please; keep the hatred, the judgement, the hate slurs - keep those to yourself. 

I write about beautifully broken people and I love them just the way they are. 


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