Hotchocolateshipping- Finally telling her

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After Barry's defeat in the Sinnoh league he decided to travel to Kalos and see how well he could do in that league. When he got there, there were more than just new Pokémon that caught his eye. There was a brunette girl with green eyes by the name of Shauna.

At first, she simply pointed him in the right direction, but they began to bump into each a lot. It didn't take long for the two to become friends, or for Barry to start crushing on her. He became an on and off traveling companion with Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno. Then, Ash and friends joined in on occasion.

It was one of those days that they all got together to catch up. The guys and the girl spit up, which is something they did on occasion. The girls, Serena, Bonnie, and Shauna when shopping, while the guys, Ash, Clemont, Barry, Tierno, and Trevor got a bite to eat.

"So, what's new with you guys?" Trevor asked.

"I just won my 6th gym badge!" Barry boomed. "Two more and I get to enter the Kalos league!"

"I have finally finished a new invention. Hopefully this one won't blow up on me." Clemont chuckled.

"I'm sure you will. You're a great inventor after all." Ash assured.

"What about you Ash? What's new with you?" Barry asked.

"Oh well um..." Ash smiled as something popped into his mind "...I finally confessed to Dawn and she said she felt the same way. So, she will be coming to visit soon."

"Wow! Good for you Ash. I always kind of wondered if there was something between you too." Barry remarked.

"Who's Dawn?" Tierno asked.

"Just a wonderful girl I traveled with back in Sinnoh." Ash replied.

"I never took you for someone who would confess first." Trevor remarked.

"Yeah. I'm going to have to fine you for making me look bad." Barry pointed at Ash, accusingly.

"What do you mean by that Barry?" Ash questioned with a smirk.

"Nothing!" Barry exclaimed, a bright blush covered his face.

"You like someone?" Clemont asked.

"No! I don't!" Barry blushed barker.

"Oh come on. Spill it Barry. You can trust us." Tierno patted Barry on the back.

"Alright fine! But only if you tell yours too." Barry challenged. They all nodded in agreement.

"I'm in love with Dawn, as I said before." Ash stated.

"I have a crush on Nini." Tierno replied.

" like Serena." Clemont admitted.

"I don't really like anyone yet." Trevor shrugged.

Barry crossed his arms in protest, but finally gave in. "Fine, it's Shauna." It was quite for a second, but then Trevor and Tierno burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" He grumbled.

"That you were so secretive about it." Trevor chuckled.

"Yeah. You act like you have something to worry about." Tierno remarked.

"Of course I have something to worry about! This is Shauna we are talk about. The same girl that travels with two guys, is super beautiful, and has...such pretty hair and...eyes you could get lost in forever..." Barry mushed dreamily.

"So what's the problem?" Tierno asked.

Barry shook his head to bring him back to reality. "The problem is that I don't stand a chance! I mean, what are the chances she sees me that way?" Trevor and Tierno burst out laughing again. "I'm glad you find this so funny." Barry growled sarcastically.

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