The kiss- hotchocolateshipping

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It all started with a kiss. It wasn't intentional or planned. Except maybe by their conniving friends during a game of truth or dare.

You see, the Kalos gang, with a few tag alongs, were taking a short break from their journeys while trying to figure out what to do next. So, in that time, they decided to share it with friends.

It was a small gathering they hosted at the Pokémon center. They had it in the room the girls would sharing for their slumber party afterwards. The boys would divide into rooms later that night.

The gathering consisted of Shauna, Miette, Serena, Mairin, Barry, Tierno, Trevor, Sawyer, Clemont, and Alain. At first, it was just mingling and snacking on yummy food. But Mairin just had to bring up party games.

"Hey guys! Let's play a game." Mairin announced.

"Oh yeah! But what should we play?" Tierno tapped his chin in thought.

"How about truth or dare?" Miette suggested.

Everyone agreed, seeing it as a harmless party game. They all sat in a circle to begin the game. Little did they know, there were plans in the making.

"Ok, I'll go first." Miette smiled. "Serena, truth or dare?"

"Um...truth." Serena replied.

"Ok, is it true that you no longer have feelings for Ash?" Miette asked.

Serena looked away bashfully. "Yes. It's true." Everyone's eyes widened, shocked that she would ever move on from Ash. "Anyway..." Serena cleared her throat.

"Mairin, truth or dare?" Serena asked.

"Dare!" Mairin boomed confidently. 

"Hmmm...I dare you a cartwheel."

"Is that it? Of course I can do that." Mairin chirped.

The petit and clumsy red head stood up and, surprisingly did a good cartwheel. She sat back down with a cocky grin.

"Alain, truth or dare?" Marin asked.

That's how the game went. It was simple things in the beginning so a certain two were relaxed. But it was finally time.

"Ok, one more dare and we can split." Clemont said.

"I'll do it!" Miette spoke up. "Barry, truth or dare?"

"You know I always go with dare." Barry boasted.

A huge, mischievous smile crept up Miette's face, which meant something was about to go down. Barry figured something was up, but he never would have expected what came from her mouth.

"I dare you to kiss Shauna. No cheek, no forehead, or anything like that. A real kiss." Miette stated.

Shauna and Barry's faces blushed as bright as stop lights. They glanced at each other but quickly looked away.

"W-what?" Shauna choked.

"You heard me." Miette smirked. "Get to it."

With their cheeks still flushed, they turned to face each other.

"Are...are you ok with this?" Barry whispered.

"If you want to...No! I mean...if...if you want to complete the dare." Shauna fumbled.

"Well, I would hate turn down a dare." Barry smiled shyly.

"O-ok." Shauna muttered.

So, Barry scooted closer and leaned forward. Shauna didn't know what to do with herself. She was happy yet angry at Miette for doing this to her. Barry, the blond dork she has had a crush on since meeting him through Ash a while back. Her feelings had only grown so much since he started traveling in Kalos and now he was about to kiss her.

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