Oblivious- forthwheel/orange

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It's funny how many things can last and change as time goes on. As time went on in the Pokémon world, everyone grew up as the years went on. (and in this story, yes even Ash aged) All of Ash's friends have meet and formed some strong friendships without his presence.

One of these friendships was between Bonnie and Max. Years had past and they had become very close. Bonnie even got a crush on him but Max was oblivious it.

Mostly because Max was still stuck in his crush on Misty and didn't really try to hid. Unfortunately for the 15 year old boy, Misty's heart was long taken by someone who was also oblivious to her feelings but that didn't stop her from wanting to spend time with him.

"Hey guys!" Max greeted as he walked into the Oak research lab.

"Hi Max. And Bonnie." Tracey remarked. "What are you two doing here?"

"We were around and decided to stop by for a visit." Max replied. "Is Misty around?"

"Yep. She is outside feeding some Pokémon." Tracey answered.

"Great! Let's go." Max grabbed Bonnie's hand and lead her outside. "Hey Misty!"

"Hello Max. Hello Bonnie." Misty waved to them. "What brings you two here?"

"We just wanted to visit." Max smiled.

"Well I'm glad you did. It's always nice to see old friends." Misty ruffled Max's hair.

"Hey!" Max complained, pushing her hand away. "Quit it!"

"Sorry. I couldn't help it." Misty giggled. Max gave a blissful smile but Bonnie was happy. Though she chose not to say anything, it was clear to the gym leader what was going on. "So, are you two finally together?"

"What? No! I am single. Actually, we both are but um..." Max rambled.

"Yep. Totally single." Bonnie muttered.

"Right." Misty smiled to herself.

Though, before she had the chance to say anything else, Tracey caught her attention.

"Hey Misty? Can you come help me for a second?" Tracey asked.

"I'll be right there!" Misty called. Then, an idea came to her mind and suddenly it was time to play matchmaker. "Why don't you both come help too? I promise it will be fun and with all of working together, it should go much faster."

"Let's do it!" Max bumped up his fist with such enthusiasm.

"Yeah. I could be fun." Bonnie replied.

"Great. Let's go." Misty remarked.

She lead them over to help Tracey tend to some of the Pokémon that lived within the lab. Once things were underway, Misty put her plan into action. She casually walked over to Bonnie.

"Hi again." Misty chirped. "Need any help?"

"Oh, hi Misty." Bonnie remarked. "Sure."

There was a short silence as Misty helped Bonnie feed a group of Pokémon.

"So how has your travels been going? I know how much fun it can be traveling with friends." Misty said.

"Yeah. We have a lot of fun. I couldn't ask for a better person to travel with." Bonnie smiled as she glanced at Max.

"You really like him, don't you?" Misty asked.

"Yeah." Bonnie nodded but then realized what she just said. "Wait! I mean... he is a great friend and all but...um...it's just..."

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