Pokémon's help- hotchocolateshipping

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It was a lovely day in the Kalos region, and Shauna decided to let out her Pokémon partner, Venusaur, to walk alongside her. The brunette performer skipped about happily as they walked. Happy thoughts bubbled about her mind as she went.

"Hey Shauna!"

Shauna stopped and looked over her shoulder, immediately recognizing the voice. She smiled as she saw her hotheaded blond friend, and secret crush, approach her with his own Pokémon partner running alongside him.

"Hi Barry!" Shauna waved to him. "What brings you here?"

"Just out enjoying this nice day with my Pokémon. We just finished an intense training session and decided to take a break. What about you?" Barry asked.

"Same as you." Shauna smiled.

As the two trainers talked, their Pokémon watched them, wondering why they wouldn't just admit how they felt about each other. It was obvious to everyone that they were in love. Even Ash had a clue about them.

(What do you think it will take for them to finally get together?) Empoleon crossed his large flippers.

(Who knows?) Venusaur shook her head. (Do you think we should help them?)

The two looked back to their trainers. Both of them appeared to be trying to hold hands or touch along each other's arms but always chickened out. This wasn't going anywhere.

(Absolutely!) Empoleon answered. (And I'm going to do it.)

The large penguin Pokémon walked up behind Shauna and acted casually. Then, without warning, Empoleon knocked her into his trainer with his large flipper.

Shauna squeaked as she lightly crashed into Barry. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I-ah!" Barry yelped as Venusaur's vines swept him off his feet.

The two topple onto the ground with Shauna landing on top of Barry. He grunted when he hit the hard ground with the added weight on him.

"Oh my gosh, Barry! Are you ok? I am so sorry. I have no idea what has gotten into her." Shauna muttered, completely embarrassed.

She quickly got off him and helped him up.

"Venusaur, what has gotten into you?" Shauna questioned.

"I'm ok." Barry assured before turning to Empoleon. "What's the deal Empoleon?"

Empoleon and Venusaur only exchanged a sneaky smirk, which worried their trainers. The next thing Barry and Shauna knew, the large penguin Pokémon had knocked them back into each other and they were squeezed together by the seed Pokémon's vines.

"Empoleon! What is the meaning of this?" Barry demanded, very red in the face.

"Venusaur, quit it!" Shauna squealed as she tried to look anywhere but at the boy stuck to her.

Although, the more they struggled, the tighter the vines became. Once again, Barry was knocked off his feet, but this time, he nearly landed on Shauna. Thankfully, Barry was able to catch himself before falling on her.

Finally, their eyes met and they froze where they were. The two were so close, their faces inches apart. They tried to look away, but their eyes wouldn't obey. They were too lost in the vast pumpkin orange and lime green of each other's eyes.

They found themselves leaning towards each other, but paused.

"Barry..." Shauna whispered.

"Yes?" Barry muttered.

"I...I love you and..." Shauna tried to say.

Barry didn't need to be told twice, and did the one thing he had wanted to do for so long. He kissed her. Shauna's eyes shot open wide before slowly fluttered closed. She never really expected him to do it. But she kissed him back.

As they entered their own world of magic and bliss that only consisted of the two of them, Venusaur released them from the vines. Not that either noticed or really cared. They were just grateful to have this special moment.

The two Pokémon congratulated each other on a job well done. Now, they didn't have to watch them be so obvious and awkward. Now, they could be happy.

After some time, they needed oxygen and pulled apart, but didn't go far.

"I love you too." Barry beamed happily. "Even if you're the one who got the Pokémon to do this to us?"

"What? No! I-" Shauna grew red.

"I'm just teasing." Barry assured as she stole another quick kiss. He then turned his attention to their Pokémon. "And just because you helped us, don't think you are getting out of a punishment."

Although Barry tried to be threatening, he couldn't stop smiling. He was just too happy to care about it anyway, because he had just kissed the girl he had wanted to for so long. Speaking of Shauna. Barry turned back to her as he stood up and offered her his hand.

"What do you say we get out of here? Maybe grab a bite to eat or something?" Barry asked.

"I say..." Shauna paused as she accepted his hand. He pulled her onto her feet and she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "If that is your way of asking a girl on a date, than we have some work to do." Shauna joked.

"Hey! I'm new to this." Barry complained.

"It's ok. I am too." Shauna gave his hand a light squeeze. "We can work on it together. Now let's go. I'm famished."

Barry smiled brightly at the brunette and gave a nod in response. With that, they were off to enjoy a nice and well-deserved lunch. Even the Pokémon had a good bite to eat, since it was them who finally broght the two together.

But Barry and Shauna wouldn't need their Pokémon's help in the future. As long as they had each other, they wouldn't need anything else, especially their Pokémon for their relationship problems. Well, at least they hoped.


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