Sommeliershipping- Calm and Collected

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Burgundy confronted Cilan after another loss and she was furious.

"I challenge you to another battle tomorrow!" Burgundy exclaimed.

"Why do you want to beat me so badly?" Cilan questioned calmly.

"Because!" Burgundy screeched.

"Because?" Cilan asked, wanting an answer.

"Ug! Just be ready for a battle tomorrow. Ok?" Burgundy growled then stormed off.

"Not until you tell me why." Cilan stated.

Burgundy stopped then turned to glare at him and came back over to him ready to argue but she had nothing.

"Because I...because I... I don't know. Why do you care?" Burgundy asked irritated.

"Because this isn't healthy for you to obsess over." Cilan calmly remarked.

With every calm word that came out of his mouth Burgundy got more and more aggravated, until she burst, letting it all out. "WHY ARE YOU SO CALM AND CARING and sweet and handsome..."

"Wha-" Cilan started but Burgundy had grabbed his tie and pulled him down to her level, then smacked her lips against his. Cilan's eyes were wide with surprise and before he could think to kiss back she let go and pulled away.

She was shocked that she let herself slip up "Sorry...about that." Cilan was silent for a moment processing, what had just happened. "I..I'm going to go, don't worry about the battle tomorrow." She was about to walk away but Cilan took her by the arm and she stopped.

"It's ok Burgundy I...I actually...didn't mind it." Cilan admitted.

"Really?" Burgundy asked.

Cilan nodded and again Burgundy grabbed his tie, pulled him down and kissed him again but he kissed back this time.


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