With the wrong girl- Skyblueshipping

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As a little girl, Miette lived in the Sinnoh region and grew up with a boy her age by the name of Paul. He was stubborn and a bit stand off-ish but they still got along. He felt comfortable with Miette and opened up to her almost as much as his big brother.

They were the best of friends for what felt like forever and for a while, they believed nothing would change that. However, at the age of 8, Miette and her family were moving to the Kalos region. Which meant they had to say goodbye.

The young bluenette was devastated but still felt like she had to tell him in person. So, they agreed to meet up in their usual spot. A little hidden spot in a part under a nice shady tree.

Miette had gotten there first, needing to pull herself together before he got there. Unfortunately, she wasn't so lucky.

"Hey Miette." Paul greeted.

Miette bit her lip as she slowly turned to face him, hoping he wouldn't notice right away.

"H-hey Paul." Miette stuttered.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Paul stepped towards her.

"I...we are moving." Miette muttered.

Paul stiffened for a moment.

"Where?" Was all he could say.

"Camphrier Town in the Kalos region." Miette replied. "We are leaving in a week."

Silence filled the air around them as Paul took a step back. He couldn't believe it. He was losing his best friend. He wasn't sure he could handle that after losing his mom and never seeing his dad. What would happen to him?

"I know this is hard but...we can stay in touch and video chat whenever we want." Miette promised. "This doesn't have to be goodbye."

"Yeah." Paul sighed.

"Let's make the most of our time, ok?" Miette smiled.

"Right." Paul gave a small smile in return.

So, they spent as much time together as possibly before Miette left. They tried to act like nothing was about to change but couldn't keep it out of their minds.

After Miette left, they kept true to their promise and stayed in contact.

However, as time went on, they spoke less and less until they stopped all together. As new trainers, they began to focus more on their goals and it took up all their time. But they never forget each other.

Years have passed and Miette was now 16 years old, still living in Kalos. She had recently lost in the Showcase's Master Class and was wondering what to do next.

The blunette was out on a walk with her Slurpuff by her side. It was a nice enough day to be outside but she was too deep in thoughts to notice. Until she pumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I..." Miette paused as she met the gaze of the person she just ran into. "Paul?"

"Miette?" Paul blinked in surprise.

Sure enough, it her purple hair childhood best friend. Though, time had been very kind to him, Miette noticed.

"Paul!" Miette sprang forward and hugged him. "It's been so long. I've missed you so much!"

Paul stood there in shock for several minutes but did hug her back. It felt so good to be near her again after so long.

"I've missed you too." Paul whispered.

Miette slowly pulled back to meet his gaze.

"We need to catch up. Come on." Miette pulled him over to a nearby bench.

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