Wish gone wrong- forthwheelshipping

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Have you ever heard the phrase 'be careful what you wish for'? Well Max Maple did. May would often tease him about it since his adventure with Jirachi but Max would always roll his eyes or make a snide remark in return. But that was years ago.

However, Max was now living it. A few days ago, he got into a fight with his best friend, Bonnie. It was bad, really bad. Things were said that never should have been said, or even thought of.

"I can't believe I became friends with you!" Bonnie screamed.

"And I wish I never met you!" Max yelled.

"Fine!" Bond barked and jogged off.

"Fine!" Max growled and stormed back to the Pokémon center where they were staying.

He collapsed in his bed and let a few tears roll down his cheeks. He couldn't stand when they fought and over stupid things. After a while of just laying there he dozed off.

When he finally woke up, he was over come with dread and guilt. He had to apologize. So, he left the room and went to go look for Bonnie. It took him some time but he finally found her buying a bag of cotton candy.

"Bonnie!" Max called as he ran up to her.

She turned to face him a welcoming smile.

"Hi there. Do I know you?" Bonnie asked as she offered some of the sweet treat to Dedenne.

Max paused for a moment before laughing a bit.

"Ok, I deserve that but seriously, we should talk." Max replied.

"Ok. About what?" Bonnie questioned.

Max blinked in surprise. Was she trying to get back at him for what he said.

"We...had a fight...a few hours ago." Max answered slowly. Bonnie looked at him in complete confusion.

"I'm sorry, you must have the wrong person. We have never met let alone had a fight. I should get going. I hope you fine who you are looking for." Bonnie walked off.

Max just stood there with a whole hurricane of emotions surging through him. None of this made any scene. They have known each other for years, and had traveled together the moment they turned 10. They had been through too much together for her to just forget.

His mind busy working out an explanation for all of this. Unfortunately, even with his vast knowledge, Max came up empty. He needed something to help confirm that he was right.

So, Max ran back to the Pokémon center and called May.

"Hey Max." May greeted. She quickly noticed something was wrong with her brother. "What's wrong?"

"I got into a fight with Bonnie." Max replied shakily.

"Well, I'm glad you are making new friends but who is Bonnie?" May asked.

Max shook his head. This didn't make sense. Everyone knew he was traveling with her. May and Bonnie were friends and often discussed their matchmaking skills. How could she not remember?

Max took a step back, feeling dizzy. There was no way this was real. They were playing a trick on him.

"May...who do you think I'm traveling with?" Max questioned.

"Max, you said you wanted to travel alone." May raised an eyebrow. "Are are you sure you're ok? You're acting weird."

"No! This doesn't make sense!" Max exclaimed.

He ruffled his hair in frustration and everything started to grow heavy. Suddenly he collapsed to the floor.

"Max!" May panicked.

People rushed to his aid when he hit the floor but he was unconscious.

Max opened his eyes but saw nothing but white.

"Where am I? What's happening to me?" Max was beginning to panic.

"Don't worry Max." A familiar voice called to him.

Max looked around but didn't see anyone or anything.

"Who's there?" Max asked.

"It's me!" Jirachi cheered as he suddenly appeared.

"Jirachi! It's great to see you but what's happening? Are you in danger?" Max worried.

"No." Jirachi replied. "I saw you didn't like the wish I granted for you."

"My wish? What wish?" Max questioned.

"The wish you made earlier. You wished you never met her and I granted it." Jirachi explained.

"Wait..." Max trailed off for a moment, processing. "So you're the reason no one but me remembers Bonnie?"

"Yep." Jirachi smiled.

"Why would you do that?" Max asked frantically.

"Because you're my friend and I wanted to grant you a wish when I couldn't back then." Jirachi replied.

Suddenly, that one stupid, annoying phase rang in his ears. Be careful what you wish for.

With this realization, came others. How important Bonnie is to him and that he wanted to be more than friends with her. The only thing left to do was get her back.

"Jirachi can you grant me one more wish?" Max asked.

"Of course." Jirachi chirped.

"I wish to undo my previous wish and return everyone's memories of her." Max remarked.

"As you wish." Jirachi nodded.

The wish Pokémon hovered up a bit higher and began to glow a bright array of colors. Max smiled as all his memories with Bonnie flashed back in his mind.

"All has been reset." Jirachi hovered down to him.

"Great. How do I get back?" Max asked.

"Wake up." Jirachi poked his forehead.

Max sat up with a gasp. To his surprise, he was laying in a bed at the Pokémon center.


He turned just and Bonnie through her arms around him. She had tears running down her face.

"Bonnie?" Max questioned, a bit surprised.

"Thank goodness you're ok. You nearly gave me a heart attack. I'm so sorry. I...I didn't mean what I said. Not one word. I was just mad and I took it out on you. I'm so, so sorry. Please, please forgive me. I love you." Bonnie suddenly stepped back, with her cheeks all red. "Sorry..."

"Hey Bonnie." Max gently pulled her back towards the bed. "I forgive you and I'm sorry too. I nearly lost you, my best friend, and the girl I have come to love."

"Really?" Bonnie beamed.

"Yep." Max smiled.

Bonnie returned the smile and they found themselves leaning in. They soon kissed and the only thing on Max's mind was how much he wished that they would never be apart like that again.


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