Unova beach day- Sommelier/Spokes/Flavescent/Clumsybuster

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After a long while of traveling around, everyone had finally returned to their home region, Unova. They all wanted to get together and catch up about when they were apart. So, the girls decided to meet up and talk about what they should do. There was Iris, Bianca, Burgundy, and Georgia.

"Do you have any ideas?" Burgundy asked.

"How about we go out to eat?" Georgia suggested.

They disagreed.

"Maybe we could go on a walk or something?" Iris offered. Once again they disagreed. "Well then what should we do?"

"How about a trip to the beach?" Bianca asked. "You can just sit and relax or do something fun in the water. We can bring yummy snacks and even invite the boys. The more the merrier."

"Sure." Iris agreed.

"Yeah." Georgia nodded.

"I guess we can do that." Burgundy shrugged.

"Great!" Bianca cheered. "I'll set everything up. Just make sure to come in something cute!"

Bianca then ran off to get a jump on the planning. The other three girls stayed a bit longer and hung out before parting ways.

Later on, they got a text from Bianca that explained the details of the hang out day. They were to meet up tomorrow at beach and dress up as cute as can be. That part was very specific. Bianca assured that everything was perfectly arranged. Though, the only thing she didn't share, was that she also extended an invitation to the guys. But that's was a surprise.

The next day, they all met up like they agreed and were dressed in their swimsuits. Iris was in her pink one piece, Georgia was in a turquoise tankini, Burgundy in a red bikini, and Bianca was in a green and white striped one piece. They each had a beach bag of their other things slung over their shoulders.

"So glad you are here. Now come on." Bianca waved for them to follow. "I have everything set up on the beach for us and it is nearly empty. Only a few people and they aren't even near the 8 of us."

"Wait, what do you mean the 8 of us?" Georgia asked.

"Oh look, there they are." Bianca ignored her. "Hi again! Thanks for helping set up!"

That's when they saw who else the blonde had invited. To their surprise and slight horror, there stood Trip, Cilan, Cameron, and Stephan, all in swim trunks. This was supposed to be a girls catch up day. Now they were around their crushes while in swimsuits. This was not going to happen.They pulled Bianca away so the boys wouldn't hear.

"What were you thinking?" Georgia growled.

"This was supposed to be a girls day! Not a stress about boys day!" Burgundy grumbled.

"For once I agree with them." Iris added.

"I know it was supposed to be just about girls but who says it has to be stressful. Besides, this could be a perfect opportunity to tell them. I know I'm planning to." Bianca remarked. "So let's not keep them waiting."

Bianca then ran past them to join the boys. The three remaining watched her leave and reluctantly joined them too. Despite the slight irritation Iris, Burgundy, and Georgia did enjoy their time. Even if it involved avoiding a particular guy.

For a while, everything was fine. Some of them swam while the others either relaxed on the beach or played in the sand. All was well. Until Bianca brought up the topic of the guys, or rather the one she wanted.

"So, do you think now would be a good time to Stephan how I feel?" Bianca asked the girls.

"You are aware we are trying to forget about that, right?" Georgia questioned.

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