Falling for another- Learner/Megavision

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Since Alain's win at the Kalos league, he has been really busy. There were all the travels with Marin, plus all of the events he went to because of his victory at the league. As a result, things began to change, and he took notice of if these changes rather quickly.

The first one being his relationship with Marin. In the beginning, it seemed as though they would end up together. In the future of course, but now that didn't seem likely. Sawyer started showing romantic interest in Marin, and it wasn't hard to see that she felt the same. Alain wasn't exactly jealous, but found himself being more protective, like a big brother.

Then there was his new found bond with the pink haired Kalos Queen. Being the Kalos league champion, and the Kalos Queen, the two were often at events together. They had become friends fairly quickly. Aria's bubbly spirit was a comfort to him, even for the quiet loner such as him. Much like Marin. Which is part of why all of this confused him a great deal.

Alain was currently sitting alone, thinking, his Charizard asleep next to him. 'What do I do now?'

"Alain! Where are you?" Aria called out.

"I'm over here!" Alain called back.

"There you are. I was wondering where you disappeared off to. Do you mind if I sit?" Aria asked, sweetly.

"Sure." Alain answered.

So Aria plopped down next to him, remaining silent for a moment. Both just enjoying the breeze and peaceful atmosphere.

"So, what are you doing all the way out here? Is something bothering you?" Aria questioned, leaning forward to look him in the face.

"Just thinking." Alain replied.

"About what?" Aria pressed. Alain didn't respond. "Ok, but if something is bothering you, you can tell me. We are friends after all."

"It just...things have changed recently." Alain finally replied.

"Well, change isn't always bad, right? After all, if things hadn't changed, we might not have met, or had such a good friendship. Isn't that right Charizard?" Aria petted the fiery Pokémon beside them. Charizard nodded and sat up, looking around. "Oh, you must be looking for HER, right?" Aria held up a pokeball. Charizard lit up, causing Aria to giggle. "All righty then, Delphox, come out!" The fire fox Pokémon appeared in a flash of light, and she and Charizard began to play. "It's sweet that they are so close. Don't you think so?"

"Yeah." Alain mumbled.

Aria turned back to him. "Alright, something is definitely wrong. Can you please tell me? It might make you feel better."

Alain took in a breath. "It's Marin."

"Is something wrong with her?" Aria asked.

"No, but I kind of thought that...we would be more, but things changed. We don't seem as close anymore and she is falling for that Sawyer kid." Alain growled a bit.

"Is it that bad that she is happy with him?" Aria chirped.

"No. I'm actually really happy for her, and I realized I don't see her that way. It's more like...I'm her protective older brother. Which is fine, it's just a lot to think about, especially because I travel with her." Alain responded. "It's hard to deal with."

"Hey, you two are the best of friends and super close. I'm sure you will figure it out. Just tell her and I know everything will work itself out." Aria lay one hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand. "I'm sure of it."

Alain glanced at her and smiled. "Thank you Aria."

"Of course. You have done so much for me and have been so sweet, it's the least I could do." Aria smiled, brightly. "Your a really good guy Alain, no matter what happens with Marin, don't forget that."

"Thank you." Alain repeater.

"You already said that." Aria giggled and gave him a light, playful push.

"I know, but...you have done a lot for me as we've grown close, too. Not many people get that close, or strive to." Alain informed. "And I'm glad we are friends."

"I am too." Aria looked back towards the sky. Then, the two caught sight of their Pokémon. Charizard and Delphox were nuzzling each other affectionately. "Looks like our Pokémon are super close too." She observed.

"Yeah..." Alain murmured in agreement. 'I wish we were that close. I wonder if she ever thinks of me the same way I think about her. Only one way to find out.' Alain thought. "Hey Aria?"

"Yes." Aria returned her attention to him.

"Can I ask an odd question?" Alain asked.

"Of course, asked away." Aria scooted closer to listen to what he had to say. Alain paused. What was he supposed to say now? This had never happened to him, so this was unfamiliar territory for the league champion. "I'm all ears." Aria announced, bringing him back from his thoughts.

"I...was just wondering...if there is a guy out there...that would be luck enough to have your heart?" Alain managed.

"Well..." Aria blushed a bright pink. "Yes, there is."

"Who is he?" Alain questioned, hiding his jealousy very well.

"Why? Are you going to be my protective big brother too?" Aria quipped.

"No. I'm just curious." Alain answered. "Can you tell me his name at least?" Alain leaned a bit towards her.

Aria froze for a second, the blush growing darker. Then, without warning, she stole a quick kiss from him, on the cheek. "It's you." Aria whispered. However, upon seeing the look of shock on his face, she thought it was a mistake. "I'm so sorry, Alain. I shouldn't have done that." Aria covered her face with her hands.

Once the shock wore off Alain smiled. He gently removed her hands from her face and turned her towards him. She looked scared, afraid that she has just ruined their friendship.

"Aria, I have to tell you something too." Alain whispered.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Aria was as shocked as Alain had been a moment ago. Nonetheless, she kissed him back, both their faces stained a bright pink. As much as they wanted the kiss to continue, their lungs need air.

"I love you Aria." Alain breathed, when they parted.

"Oh Alain, I love you too." Aria cooed, leaning on his shoulder.

"Hey Alain!" Marin called out. Alain and Aria jumped apart in fright, their faces bright red in embarrassment. The new couple then spotted Marin and Sawyer coming towards them. "Are we interrupting something?" Marin asked, smugly.

"No, not anymore." Alain stated, taking Aria's hand.

"Oh, I see." Marin smirked. "Well, anyways you too aren't the only ones to end up together tonight." Marin grabbed Sawyer's hand and held it up like a trophy. "We are together now!"

"Yeah, we are." Sawyer agreed, nervous for Alain's response.

"And your happy?" Alain asked, a slight glare forced on the green haired boy.

"Yes I am." Marin stepped in between them. "And don't go scaring him off, 'big brother'." She teased.

"Alright, but that's my job." Alain joked.

"In that case, Aria, can you keep him distracted so I can be with Sawyer?" Marin asked, sweetly.

"I can try." Aria giggled, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Thanks. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and tell you. Now, Sawyer and I have a date." Marin chirped, and walked off taking Sawyer with her.

"I do hope you will take it easy on him." Aria commented.

"I will, I just want him to be aware of what might happen in case he doesn't treat her with respect." Alain replied.

"Aw, look at you, all protective. It's cute." Aria chimed, leaning on his shoulder again. "So, are happy that you both ended up falling for another?"

"Yes, very happy." Alain leaned against her as well.

"I'm glad." Aria breathed in relief.


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