Clumsy new assistant- megavision

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After Alain's fame of being the Kalos league champion finally died down, he went back to being an assistant for Professor Sycamore. Though, with his time as a celebrity, he befriended another. The ex Kalos Queen, Aria. Even if she isn't the Kalos Queen anymore, she is still a well known and respected celebrity.

In the time they had spent together, Aria had grown very fond of him and even developed a crush.

She was really sad to see him go and it didn't take long for her to miss him. With his return to the lab, and Aria's new free time, she decided to spend time with him again. So, she signed up to be an assistant too.

"Hi Alain." Aria greeted.

"Aria? What are you doing here?" Alain questioned surprised.

He turned to see her in a lab coat with a pale blue undershirt and black skirt. Her hair up in a ponytail and her fake glasses on.

"Didn't you hear? I'm the new assistant." Aria remarked.

"You? I didn't take you for a fan of science." Alain stated.

"Yeah, well..." Aria shrugged. "...I like to try new things, and not being Kalos Queen anymore gives me plenty of free time."

Alain smiled slightly and turned back to the clipboard in hand. "Alright. I hope you are ready for this."

"I'm sure it won't be so bad." Aria gave a small wave of her hand.

"Miss Aria?" Professor Sophie questioned.

"Yes?" Aria turned to the blue haired professor.

"Here, I need you to take these to the filing room and make sure Sycamore gets these as soon as possible. Can you do that?" Sophie instructed.

"Absolutely!" Aria answered and took the two files.

She then darted off to do as requested. She thought that things were always going to be this simple, but she was sorely mistaken. She had a tendency to be a bit clumsy and in certain parts of the lab, things weren't so tidy. Though, as frustrating as it was sometimes, Aria really enjoyed the time she got to spend with Alain.

"Hey, do you need help with that?" Alain asked Aria as she passed with a big box and a pile of files on top.

"Yeah, sure. That you be great." Aria grunted under the weight.

Alain took the stack of files off the top. "So, were do these need to go?"

"To lab 3. They are doing another experiment and need all the notes from the last tests. Apparently, they have had to test this a lot." Aria remarked.

Alain nodded and helped her bring the files to the correct lab.

They did stuff like that together, and Aria even convinced him to have lunch with her. The two talked and got to know each other even more. Aria was happy that her tactic of getting to spend more time with Alain was working so well.

However, that feeling of joy seemed to fade away when Alain's little friend suddenly came by to visit.

"Hey Alain!" Marine called as she entered the lab.

"Hello Marine." Alain smiled to her.

The redhead ran up and hugged her tall friend. Aria watched from across the room, silently wishing she had the courage to do that with him.

"How have you been?" Marine chirped as she released him. Before he could answer, she continued on. "Hold that thought. We are going to catch up over lunch. My treat."

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