Georgia x Cameron- Clumsy and Careless

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After they continued to bumping into each other, literally, they ended up traveling together. They argued a lot at first but slowly started to warm up to each other. However, one day they were out for a walk in the forest but this forest had a lot of cliffs.

"We need to be careful in here, you got that Cameron?" Georgia stated.

"Why do I need to be careful? I should be telling you that." Cameron argued.

"Because I'm not as careless or clumsy as you. Now let's get going I'd like to get back before it gets dark." Georgia informed, then started walking.

Cameron frowned but started walking too. He was still irritated that she called him clumsy and careless. He walked a little ahead of her and wasn't paying attention to what was in front of him, for there was a cliff and he slipped and would have fallen if Georgia hadn't grabbed his hand.

"You idiot! I warned you!" Georgia grunted trying to pull him up.

"Come on. You can do it." Cameron tried to encourage but was still fearful.

"Shut it!" Georgia demanded but was panicking. Georgia was losing her grip on Cameron's wrist. "I can't hold on, come out Beartic!" She threw her Pokeball and a large, white, bear Pokemon came out. "Beartic help me!" The Pokemon obeyed and pulled Cameron up. Once he was safely on the solid ground Georgia returned Beartic to its Pokeball then turned and glared at Cameron. "I warned you! Why can't you listen to me!" She yelled.

"" he panted.

"Because I like you!" Georgia shouted then turned away blushing.

"Really, do you like me, like me?" Cameron asked.

"So what if I do!" Georgia turned and shouted in his face.

"Well what if I said I like you too." Cameron said unfazed.

"Then I would kiss you!" Georgia shouted then pulled him off the ground and kissed him. He was a tad surprised but kissed her back and rapped his arms around her.

After that they went back to the hotel they were staying at and continued on their journey.


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