Afraid to say- learner part 1

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"Come on Alain! We have to hurry!" Mairin called after her traveling companion. "You can make out with Astrid when we get there!"

"I know you're excited to see Sawyer again, but slow down." Alain called after her. "And I we do not make out!"

"Yeah right." Mairin laughed. "You're not as sneaky as you think. Now come on! They are probably already waiting for us!"

Mairin ran faster, forcing Alain to speed up so he wouldn't lose her.

Finally, the two reached the next town, and Astrid and Sawyer waiting along the outskirts for them.

"Sawyer!" Mairin cheered as she ran up and hugged him. "I'm so happy to see you! We have so much to catch up on!"

"Yeah we do." Sawyer chuckled.

"Come on. Let's leave the those two to have some alone time." Mairin remarked. "I'm sure they'd like some privacy."

"Marine." Alain groaned.

Marine laughed and pulled Sawyer away. They took off to explore the town together, and had a blast. The two checked out stores, had battles and even challenged others to double battles. It was so much fun, but eventually they needed a break.

"Ok, ok how about we stop for lunch. My treat." Sawyer offered.

"Okay! That sounds great." Marine chirped.

So, they went over to a nearby cafe and got some food. They chatted and caught up on things that happened while they were apart. A lot of laughs were shared between them, but they calmed as a new topic came up.

"I still can't believe how much Alain is in denial. Everyone knows he is pretty much in love with Astrid." Mairin said.

"'s tough telling someone how you feel." Sawyer muttered.

This caught Mairin's attention. Sawyer wasn't usually one to beat around the bush, so she wondered what would make him hesitant.

" have a crush on someone?" Mairin asked.

Sawyer averted his gaze and had a nervous smile, but didn't say anything. A huge smile spear across her face, and for a second, she had hope.

"Oh my gosh you do!" Mairin beamed. "Who is she? What is she like? Do I know her? Oh! You just have to tell me!"

" already know her." Sawyer scratched the back of his neck.

"I do!" Mairin squeaked happily.

Sawyer nodded slowly, and blushed. This only brightened her mood even more.

"Who is she? Please, please, please tell me!" Mairin begged.

"Ok, ok, I tell." Sawyer laughed. "It's...Serena."

With those two words, Mairin's happy smilie disappeared and her mood went sour. Luckily, Sawyer wasn't looking at her, which gave her enough time to put on a fake smile and act as if nothing was wrong.

"Wow, Serena. I didn't expect that one." Mairin teased. "What is it you like about her?"

She wasn't sure why she asked such a question, but she regretted it quickly after.

"Well, she is so nice, smart, talented, and really pretty. I know it's stupid, but-" Sawyer said.

"No, it's not stupid. I'm happy for you." Mairin promised.

Even if she was in pain, she was happy for her friend. He deserved to be happy with a great girl like Serena.

"Thanks. So, do you have a crush?" Sawyer asked.

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