From cute baker to cute companion- Sneaky

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How Conway managed to get roped into being the third wheel for Barry and his girlfriend's date was beyond even his vast knowledge. But there he was, walking along side the hotheaded blonde as he yammered on about his girlfriend.

"I can't wait to see her again! I still can't believe I managed to get a girl like her to love me. Can you?" Barry questioned, although he didn't wait for an answer. "She is just so incredible and beautiful."

"Where are we going again?" Conway asked, in attempt to change the subject from how wonderful his girlfriend is.

"This new bakery that opened up. It's supposed to be great." Barry answered.

Much to Conway's relief, the subject changed. Until the girl in question called out to them.

"Hey Barry!" Shauna ran up and hugged him. Barry was quick to return the hug. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." Barry remarked happily. Conway cleared his throat and the couple separated, a bit embarrassed. "Sorry, about that. Conway, this is my girlfriend, Shauna and this is Conway. He wanted to visit Kalos to I offered for him to tag along with me."

"Nice to meet you." Shauna held out her hand to him. Conway returned the gesture and gave her hand a quick shake. "Now, are you two ready for some delicious desserts?"

"Of course!" Barry exclaimed in excitement. "Lead the way."

Shauna giggled as she lead them into a cute little bakery. The three walked in and were greeted with the sweet scents of fresh baked treats.

"I have a good friend here and I know just what to get. You two go pick a table." Shauna assured.

The boys agreed and went to sit at a table. Conway had his arms crossed and looked a bit on edge.

"What's your problem?" Barry asked.

"Well, no offense to your girlfriend or anything, but how can you just through yourself into a relationship like this? You are a skilled trainer and could be doing a lot more if you weren't balancing a relationship and trips back home." Conway answered completely honest.

"You are one to talk. If I remember correctly, you had a thing for Dawn and were tried just about everything to win her heart." Barry argued.

"Yeah, and now she is with Ash. So, in the end I am back where I started. With no one and I'm perfectly fine." Conway retorted. He was obviously still somewhat bitter about the whole thing.

"You only say that because you haven't found the right girl. Dawn just wasn't the one for you, but when you do find her, you will know. You might even see things differently." Barry remarked. "I know I do." He gazed lovingly at Shauna.

"Yeah right." Conway muttered as he leaned back in his seat.

"Ok, the order should be ready in a few minutes." Shauna declared as she sat down at table.

A few minutes past and Shauna and Barry chatted quietly. Conway looked around the room lazily as he considered leaving. Until she came up.

"Here are your sweet treats." Miette chimed as she set the decorative tray of goodies on the table.

Conway stared at this new beauty in awe. She was absolutely beautiful. Her short blue hair and mesmerizing orange eyes were enough for Conway to lose his words.

"Thanks Miette. They look delicious as always." Shauna smiled.

"Happy to hear it." Miette returned the smile. She then noticed the two boys at the table. "Hello. Who are you two?"

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