Surprise confession- flavescent

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After the departure of the Unova gang, and Iris and Cilan parted ways, Iris and Trip ran into each other. A lot. So, they stared traveling together. The two grew very close, quite quickly.

It wasn't long before Trip's small crush changed into deep romantic feelings for Iris. In the beginning, he was able to keep the feelings hidden and act as if nothing had changed. However, it became harder and harder for him to hide these feelings.

Trip needed an outlet. Naturally, his first tactic was battling, but that only lasted so long. So, he had to look for other ways. One he had come accustom to, was to sneak away to a secluded area, and let it all out until he was satisfied. Once that was done, he would met up with her again as if nothing happened.

"I'm back." Trip announced as he approached his traveling companion.

"Trip! Where were you?" Iris asked, worried.

"I told you, I had to take care of something. Why do you care? Were you worried about me?" Trip teased.

"Of course I was. You are my friend, and were gone for a while without telling me where you were going or how long it would take." Iris retorted. "So?"

"Let's get out of here. I'm hungry, and I'd like a proper meal before we move on. Wouldn't you agree?" Trip asked.

"Well...yes. But if you think I'm going to drop this, you are wrong." Iris grumbled.

"I know." Trip sighed. "But let's just drop it for now and enjoy the walk, ok?"

"I guess." Iris crossed her arms.

With that, they began to walk to a nearby restaurant, and Trip listened to Iris talk. He would throw in a comment here and there, but he enjoyed listening to her more.

They soon arrived and got themselves a table. Trip tried to focus on the menu in front of him, but Iris was just being too adorable with her Axew. It was driving him mad.

He wanted to run but he knew he would never hear the end of it. He could have ask her to stop, but that would be way to suspicious and she would never stop asking questions. Trip would just have to distract himself until after they left.

"Trip, are you in there?" Iris asked.

"Hm, yeah." Trip replied.

"Are you ok? You have been zoning out since we ordered and have hardly touched your food." Iris observed.

"Yeah...I guess I'm not that hungry anymore." Trip pushed his plate away.

"But it was your idea to come here." Iris crossed her arms and gave the cutest pout.

This was too much. Trip needed to leave before he said something to her that he wanted to keep secret. He had tried too hard to just let it slip now.

"I have to go. I'll be back soon." Trip suddenly shot up from his seat.

He threw whatever money he owed on the table and made a run for it.

"Hey! Trip! Get back here!" Iris yelled. She too paid what she owed, and ran after him. "Trip!"

He wouldn't stop. He couldn't. Without thinking, he ran into the woods he hid out in earlier, completely forgetting how at home Iris was in the woods. She soundlessly followed him from the trees to a little clearing. Once he had stopped, she stayed in the nearest tree and listened.

"Ok, I think I lost her." Trip breathed in relief. "Honestly, if this keeps happening, I might be better off telling her. Although, it might help get me into better shape. If she doesn't kill me before that from not telling her."

As much as Iris wanted to groan or yell at him to just say it, she had to bite her tongue and wait until he said it on his own.

"Who knew falling in love with your traveling companion would be so hard?" Trip sighed. "I mean...come on. It can't just be me. I actually have to give props to Ash. I don't know how he traveled with such an amazing and beautiful girl like Iris, and was able to focus. I can hardly think straight!"

Iris smiled happily. This was why he had been acting to weird lately. It all made sense now, but one question remained. When should she tell him she now knew and that she felt the same?

Just as Iris began to ponder this, Trip gave her the opening she was looking for.

"I'm not good with this stuff, so how in the world of Pokémon, am I supposed to tell her?" Trip groaned.

"You don't have to worry."

Trip jumped in fright and whipped around, but couldn't see her. That is, until she jumped down from the tree.

He felt the blood drain from his face. He was caught.

" much of that did you hear?" Trip asked, hoping it wasn't too much.

Iris didn't respond right away. She simply smiled and walked up to him before she spoke.

"Everything. I heard everything little thing you said about me." Iris chirped. Trip's eyes widened. He was so dead. "And I have to say, you aren't as good at paying attention to things as you think."

"I...what do you mean?" Trip questioned in confusion.

Iris giggled and tilted her head back slightly as she did. Trip only waited, unsure of what else to do. That is, until she pressed her mouth against his. Iris pulled back soon after, which left Trip completely speechless.

"I love you too, Trip. I would have told you sooner, but you started acting weird and it worried me. If I had any idea that you thought that way about me... well things would have been different than you might think." Iris remarked. "But I'll admit, this was a pretty great surprise confession."

Trip slowly proceed everything she just said. Slowly he began to laugh at how ridiculous he had been. If only he had told her sooner.

"Ok, I get it. You're right." Trip laughed. "Now that all of that is out of the way, let's get to it." Trip her hand and pulled her close. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, you dork." Iris answered.

This time, Trip kissed her. Iris was just as happy to kiss him back. It was very long awaited, well worth the wait. They were finally together and it was the weirdest, yet best possible surprise either could hope for.


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