Misunderstanding- skyblueshipping

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Paul could not believe he was doing this. Yet there he was, buying flowers for the girl he traveled with. The pretty, pixie cut bluenette that had worked her way into his heart.

"Hello sir." The flower vender greeted. "What can I get you?"

Paul looked over the many different flowers but had no idea what to get.

"I'm not sure. I don't know what flowers she likes." Paul answered. "This is supposed a surprise."

"Well, when it comes to flowers, it can be more about what you want to tell her. Each flower has its own special meaning so it all depends on what you want to say."

Paul nodded to himself as he looked over all the flowers. What did he want to tell her? He wasn't good with his feelings on his own, so maybe he could do it with the flowers.

The florist waited patiently for Paul to make his decision. Finally, Paul met his gaze.

"Made up your mind?"

"Yes." Paul said.

"Alright. Just tell me what you want and I'll handle the bouquet. I'll even include a note for what each flower means."

"Ok." Paul gave a sigh.

Hesitantly, Paul began to explain exactly how he felt for Miette. The words that came from his mouth surprised even him, but it was a relief to get it out.

As Paul spoke, the florist gathered up the flowers and arranged them neatly into a pretty bouquet.

"And done." The florist smiled and handed over his handiwork. "Just wait a moment and I'll write up the transition note."

Paul nodded as he took the bouquet and looked over all the flowers. It was a collection of lavender, white, coral, and red roses. Paul had no clue what any of it meant but hoped it would make Miette happy.

Suddenly, a Pokémon zoomed between his feet and he whipped around to get a look at said Pokémon. Though, just as he turned, someone else ran into him.

"Out of the way! Out of the way! That Pokémon is mine!" Barry bolted after the mystery Pokémon.

The clumsy blond bumped into Paul and knocked the bouquet out of his hands.

"Hey!" Paul growled.

Luckily, someone was passing by and caught it before it could be ruined.

"I'm guessing these are yours."

Paul turned in the direction of the familiar voice. To his surprise, the blue haired girl that traveled with Ash stood there, holding his fallen bouquet.

"Yeah." Paul replied quietly.

"They are lovely. I'm sure whoever they are for, will love them." Dawn remarked.

"I hope so." Paul sighed.

"Still a man of few words, I see." Dawn giggled. "Anyway, I have to get going. I've got a date with Ash."

"Ash? You're dating Ash?" Paul questioned.

"Yep!" Dawn chirped. "He is my boyfriend. But I should get going or I'm going to be late. Here you go."

Dawn held out the bouquet for him to take. Paul took them back and checked to make sure none were damaged.

Though, as this small interaction took place, the pixie haired bluenette happened upon them. However, she did not hear their conversation nor did she see how Dawn got her hands on the flowers.

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