Sommeliershipping- not so blind date

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 "Thank you for joining me in this pressing matter." Stephan greeted spinning around in his chair to face his, possible, partner in crime. "Do you think you can be of aid for this mission..." Stephan tapped his fingers together in a serious manner but then continued on in his usual upbeat nature " get Cilan and Burgundy together."

Georgia sat across him, sipping on her drink casually. "Sure, I'll help you get them together. It'll do them some good." Georgia responded setting her drink on the table.

"Great!" Stephan remarked enthusiastically. "Ok, so I was thinking that we set them up on a blind date."

"Blind date?" Georgia questioned.

"Yeah. That way they can't deny not wanting to go and all we need to do is convince them it'll be fun." Stephan reasoned.

"You don't know Burgundy. It'll pretty tough, but...I will try. They do need to get together and I can be very persuasive." Georgia stated.

"Cool and I'll work on Cilan." Stephan cheered.

"Where and when are they meeting for their blind date?" Georgia asked.

Stephan hummed in thought for a moment. "Hmm, I don't know. How long do you think it will take convince Burgundy?"

"I don't know." Georgia shrugged.

"Ok, how about we meet up here in tomorrow and go over our progress?" Stephan suggested. "We will try and talk them into it in that time. Does that work for you?"

"Yeah, but I have a lunch date with my boyfriend, so it will have to be after that." Georgia informed.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were dating Cameron. How did that even happen?" Stephan asked, curiously.

"Aren't we trying to focus on Burgundy and Cilan!" Georgia growled, a blush covered her cheeks.

"Ok, ok, just wondering. So meet back here tomorrow and continue to discuss the plan?" Stephan clarified.

"Yep, see you then." Georgia agreed.

The two parted ways, leaving to go convince their friends to go on this blind date. Georgia meet up with Burgundy, like they had already planned.

"Hey Burgundy." Georgia greeted.

"Hello. Where were you? You're 10 minuets late." Burgundy stated.

"Sorry, Stephan needed to ask me something." Georgia replied.

"What was it?" Burgundy wondered.

"He's become a match maker all of the sudden and wanted to know if I knew anyone who wanted to go on a blind date. I told him no...but maybe you should go on the blind date." Georgia suggested.

"What! Why would I do that?" Burgundy asked, horrified that she would bring up such a topic.

"Because your not getting anywhere with you know who. It would be good for you to have some fun with someone." Georgia answered.

A blush stained Burgundy's cheeks. "Just because you have a boyfriend doesn't mean the rest of us need one. Besides, not all of us have a guy as dorky as Cameron around." Burgundy retorted.

"Fine, but it just proves you're to hung up on Cilan to go out and have fun." Georgia shot back. Now this was going to be a bit of revenge for the Cameron comment.

"You swore you'd never say that name!" Burgundy yelled, embarrassed.

"Like I said, to hung up to have fun." Georgia remarked, coolly.

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