Answers in memories- Forthwheelshipping

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'How can this be?' Max Maple pondered. 'We have been friends for years, but I have never felt like this before. When did it happen? How did it happen? Ug! I don't have a clue. Come on Max, you're supposed to be the smart one. You can figure this out. Just think back. Ok, ok, let's start with, the time we first met.'


It was at a party hosted at the Ketchum's. It was a party to celebrate how far he has come in all his travels. Even if he hadn't managed to win the Kalos league, he came very close and has grown a great deal from it. All of them have.

Max was off to the side, hoping to get a word with Ash at some point. However, Serena was making that a challenge, as she wanted to keep Ash's attention on her. It didn't really help though, because his just wasn't interested. His heart was long taken by his blue haired best friend of his, but that's another story.

"I wish there was someone else here, more my age." Max muttered to himself.

Sure, he did have fun with Ash and all his friends, but it would be nice to hang out with someone his age. Some he could relate to. Then, it seemed as if his prayers had been answered. The front door opened and two more guests had arrived. That's when he saw her. After just about everyone said hi to them, Bonnie approached him.

"Hi, my name is Bonnie, and this is my future partner Dedenne." Bonnie greeted, holding up her purse for him to see.

"Wow! I've never seen a Pokémon like that before. Is it really yours?" Max awed.

"Well, my brother caught it for me so I could have him when I became a trainer. But I take care of him and stuff. By the way what's your name?" Bonnie asked.

"Oh, I'm Max." Max replied.

"Well, nice to meet you Max." Bonnie smiled.

That night, they learned a lot about each other. Meeting at that party was the start of their friendship.

End of flashback

'Ok, so that night was the start but, this feeling wasn't there. Which makes sense, because we were just kids and just met.' Max though. 'But we did bond a great deal when we were together. Like the time at the fair. That was fun.'


Max was dragged along on a trip to a festival in Kalos with May and her boyfriend, Drew. Of course, he didn't mind, because that meant he would get to see Bonnie again. There were crowds of people for the fair and all its festivities.

"Max! Max!" Bonnie called to him. He watched as his blond friend and her older brother emerged from the sea of people. "Hey! I'm so glad you could make it."

"Me too. It will be way more fun with you here." Max smiled.

"Yay! Now let's go." Bonnie chirped.

"Hold up." May halted them. "I want you two to be careful. Stay together, don't accept anything from strangers, and be back here around 8:30. You got it Max."

"Yeah, yeah. Now let's go." Max remarked and him and Bonnie ran off.

"So, what should we do first?" Bonnie asked.

"I don't know. You have been to this thing plenty of times. What is fun?" Max remarked.

"Hmmm." She hummed in thought. "I know!" Bonnie sounded. "Follow me."

So, he followed her around the festival, ridding super fun rides, playing games, and enjoying fair food. He even managed to win her a Pokémon doll. It was past sunset, as Bonnie and Max were relaxing on the Ferris wheel.

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