Unwanted distance- megavision

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Why did it have to happen like this? One big fight and a bad accident to follow.

You see, after a bumpy start of avoiding their feelings, Alain and Aria had finally gotten together. They were an adorable and admired couple and they were great together. However, just like every other couple, they get into fights. Most of the time they make up quickly after.

But this time was different. They got into a huge shouting match that ended with them both storming off. Neither spoke to each other the next day either and it saddened them.

Alain chose to keep out of sight from the public. He wanted silence to think about what happened and what went wrong. So, he disappeared into the depths of his clouded mind. This time, not even Mairin could get through to him.

Aria didn't have luxury of sneaking off somewhere quite to dwell on her sadness. Instead, she had to put on a smile for her awaiting fan when the time came.

Unfortunately, Kalos wasn't going to get their smiling Queen that day. On the way to pick up Palermo, the limo that was driving Aria got onto a serious accident. She had to be brought to the hospital.

"Alain! Open the door! It's not good to be alone like this!" Mairin yelled through the door. When he didn't reply, she took out the room key nurse Joy had given her. She then opened the door and stepping into the dark room. "Alain?" She questioned as she turned on a light.

She gasped when she saw him. Alain was siting on the bed with his head down and eyes locked on the floor. Mairin could practically feel dread looming in the room and the sadness radiating off him. She had never seen him like this and it scared her.

"Alain?" Mairin stepped closer.

Alain sat up as if he had just noticed her there, but turned away quickly after.

"Please leave Mairin." Alain grumbled.

"No. You need to get out of this room and I'm not leaving until you do too." Mairin affirmed with her arms crossed.

Alain didn't move or say a word. He just sat their, refusing to look at her. Mairin frowned at him. She didn't like when he got like this and was thankful it didn't happen to often. Aria kept him from those dark feelings when Mairin couldn't, but now that she wasn't, what would happen now?

Suddenly, Alain's phone rang from his spot on the night stand. Both teens looked to the phone, but Alain made no move to answer it.

"Are you going to get that?" Mairin asked. Alain looked away. "What if it's important?"

Mairin went to the phone and answered it herself.


"Is Alain there? We have an urgent message for him."

"I can pass on the message." Mairin offered.


The man on the other end then told Mairin what happened. Her eyes grew wide with shock. This caught Alain's attention. Mairin put the phone down when the call ended.

"Who was that?" Alain asked.

"Something happened...Aria was in a car accident...they took her to the hospital." Mairin stated.

Alain felt like he was going to have a heart attack.

"What? Where is she? You have to tell me!" Alain grabbed her shoulders firmly.

Mairin told him the address and he ran off. He had to get to her, now! He called upon his Charizard and few off to the hospital that Aria was taken to.

He burst through the front of the hospital, questioning anyone and everyone about her whereabouts. When he finally got a room number, he raced to the room. But the sight before him made his heart stop.

There Aria lay in the hospital bed. Her eyes were closed but the steady rise and fall of her chest gave him a bit of relief. She was dressed in a hospital gown with her long pink hair sprawled out around her. Bandages wrapped around her body and various wires and tubes along her arms.

"Aria..." Alain breathed as he stepped further into the room.

The closer he got to her, the more his heart broke. He never wanted her to go through this. To be in this much pain and suffering with no good reason. What hurt even more was that he wasn't there with her and the reason he wasn't.

"Aria, I'm so sorry." Alain gulped, trying to hold back his tears.

He wanted to stay longer and be there for her to attempt to make up for the time he wasn't. But, he couldn't. He couldn't stand to see her like that without losing it.


He jumped, not expecting anyone else to be there. He turned to see Serena standing in the doorway.

"Serena?" Alain questioned. They just kind of stared at each other for a moment. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard what happened." Serena answered. Alain turned away a bit and Serena stepped forward. "Come with me. I think we need to talk."

Alain reluctantly followed her out of the hospital and over to a coffee cart just outside. Serena bought a cup for the both of them and motioned him to join her on a nearby bench. Once seated, she handed him a cup. They both took a sip of the warm liquid before speaking.

"You know, Aria told me what happened before the accident." Serena stated.

"I really messed up." Alain sighed.

Serena glanced at him from the corner of her eye before continuing.

"She said the same thing." Serena commented.

Alain's head turned sharply to the blonde with a look of confusion on his face.

"What?" Alain asked.

"She blamed herself for the fight too. She thought she lost you because of it and was to afraid to reach out. She wanted to give you space." Serena explained.

Alain looked away in though. Some part of him was relieved he hadn't ruined it but he still felt guilty. She was hurt and he was going to be there for her. Alain quickly downed the coffee and tossed the cup in the trash.

"Thanks for the coffee. I really needed that." Alain said as he headed back to the hospital.

"You're welcome." Serena gave a sad smile. "Good luck."

So, Alain went back into the hospital and spent as much time as he possibly could with the unconscious Aria.

At first, he didn't talk but as time went on, he was beyond worried. She hadn't woken up yet and the doctors didn't know either. So, one day, he finally gave in and let it all out.

"Aria, I can't tell you how sorry I am." Alain gently grasped her hand. "This never should have happened. Especially to you. Not the girl who brings joy and laughter to everyone. Not the girl I love." As he spoke, tears began to fall down his face. "I should have been there with you. I would have been if not for that stupid fight." He wiped his face with the back of his arm.

"Then you would have been hurt too."

"What?" Alain asked, dumbfounded.

Aria gave him a weak smile. "Hi Alain."

"I'm so glad you're awake. I'm so sorry for what happened." Alain apologized.

"I know. I heard everything you just said. I love you too. I always will." Aria promised.

Alain chuckled through his tears. Then they got to talking like they did before the fight. They moved past it and suddenly, it felt like nothing had come between them.

They were going to be ok and not even a fight and a car accident could keep them apart.


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