Not fake anymore- onesidedshipping

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After a while, the group of coordinator had gotten together. There was Solidad, Harley, Drew, May, Brianna, Zoey, Dawn, Kenny, plus many more coordinators they had met along the way. Though, they mostly stuck with those they knew. Drew was mostly flirting with May while Brianna tried to get his attention.

Kenny had managed to pull Dawn aside for a chat. He was planing to tell his childhood friend about his feelings for her, but was having trouble. Kenny was unsure how to bring it up.

"I can't believe how long it has been. So much has changed and stayed the same, all at the same time." Dawn commented.

"Yeah." Kenny agreed. He finally decided to just start with it. "Hey, I've always you have a crush on anyone?"

"Yep." Dawn chimed.

"Who is he?" Kenny asked hopefully.

"Ash." Dawn smiled dreamily. "What about you?"

"Yeah. Of course I do." Kenny laughed nervously.

"Who is she?" Dawn questioned. "I'd like to meet her."

Kenny mentally panicked. He had to say something, anything that wasn't her. He looked around quickly and his eyes landed on Brianna.

"'s...Brianna." Kenny answered.

"Aw! You two will be so cute together!" Dawn beamed. "Are you going to tell her?"

"U...I was actually planning to do it now." Kenny fibbed. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck." Dawn remarked. "Now go get your girl."

Kenny smiled and gave a thumbs up as he walked over to Brianna. What was he supposed to say when he approached her? Lie and tell her he has a crush on her or explain his situation and hope she goes along with it?

"Hi Brianna." Kenny greeted.

"Oh, hello Kenny." Brianna forced a smile. "What can I do for you?"

It was then that he noticed how sad she looked. His gaze fell on Drew and May holding hands and laughing. It clicked.

"I have a plan. You see that girl over there with the blue hair?" Kenny asked. Brianna glanced over his shoulder at Dawn and nodded. "I have a crush on her, but she likes someone else. I'm hoping to make her realize that I'm a better choice, but I need your help."

"What could I possibly do?" Brianna questioned.

"I need you to pretend to accept my fake feelings and play my girlfriend." Kenny begged.

"But what about Drew? I can't just do that." Brianna retorted.

"Maybe if he sees you with someone else, he will realize that he actually loves you." Kenny argued.

Brianna looked over at Drew for a moment, but finally met Kenny's eye once again.

"Let's do it." Brianna agreed.

"Good. Now let's just act super happy and hug me so it looks like I confessed and you like me too." Kenny instructed.

"You got it." Brianna winked. She then sprang forward and hugged him.

"Come on, let's go introduce you to Dawn." Kenny suggested.

"Ok. Then I can introduce you to Drew." Brianna beamed.

So, they walked over to Dawn to tell her the news. To their surprise, she looked super excited for them.

"Dawn, this is my new girlfriend Briana. Brianna, this is my childhood best friend, Dawn." Kenny introduced.

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