One fateful meeting- N x Alexa

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 Another long but rewarding day of journaling for the Kalos Native. She smiled at the rare footage she had just got the day before. Very few people had the honor of seeing a shiny cryogonal and she got it on video. She was to happy with her that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and bumped someone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." Alexa quickly apologized.

"It's fine. Just be more careful next time."

She locked eyes with him and found something oddly familiar about him. His long green hair, kind, mysterious blue eyes. Who was he? Where had she seen him before? Then it hit her.

"Your name wouldn't happen to be...N would it?" Alexa asked.

"Yes." N answered slowly, apparently not happy to be recognized.

"Wow!" Alexa clasped her hands together. "To think, my luck could be even better."

"Better?" N questioned surprised.

Few people knew him by name but those who did know him also knew of his 'assistance' to team Plasma. Needless to say, people didn't show this much enthusiasm in his presence.

"Of course. I've heard so much about you and if you don't mind I'd like to interview you." Alexa replied.

N gave her a strange look, very unsure of her request. "Why?"

"Because, I know what people think and I want to provide the truth. Ash told me what happened and I think you have been wrongly accused. Let me be the one to show people they are wrong about you." Alexa responded.

N was surprised. This woman was rather unique. Most journalists that have come across him only wanted a juicy headline for a quick buck. Alexa seemed more interested in real stories and the truth behind them.

"Alright. I'll do it, but I want to make sure this is done right." N answered.

"Of course. You can even come along to another one of my works. If you want that is?" Alexa asked.

"Yes, I would like to come. If I'm satisfied, I'll late you interview me." N responded.

Alexa nodded. "Ok, can you meet me here tomorrow at...10:00? By then I will be ready and I can show you how I work."

"Sure." N replied.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow then." Alexa smiled and walked off.

N watched her trot away. There was something very interesting about this woman. He turned and walked away, awaiting their meeting the following day.

The next day, Alexa and N met up, just like they agreed to.

"Nice to see you again." Alexa greeted. "I'm glad you came."

"So, how does this work?" N asked.

"Just follow me and I'll explain everything." Alexa replied and turned to walk off. N followed her, and noticed a Pokémon sitting on her fannypack.

"Heloi?" Helioptile titled its head at him.

"Hello." N smiled to the unknown Pokémon. "How do you like being her Pokémon? Does she treat you well?"

Helioptile smiled and nodded. "Helioptile, tile tile heloi!" (Yes, Alexa takes good care of me.) Helioptile answered.

N smiled and glanced back to Alexa, though she was already looking at him.

"You really can understand to Pokémon?" Alexa asked.

"Yes. I can understand Pokémon." N replied. "I care a great deal for them, which is why I want to see how you work."

Alexa smiled. "Well, I'm sure you won't be disappointed." The two continued to walk until they reached the forest. "There is a Pokémon here that I have written about and done research on. All I need is a picture."

N nodded and followed her into the forest. They walked slowly and quietly as Alexa put on her headset. She videoed a herds of wild Pokémon, and gave little narrations form her hiding spots. N took note of how she respected the Pokémon and kept her distance. It was very admirable and N was impressed.

Hours later, they were done with the exploration and had gone to lunch right after.

"So, what did you think?" Alexa asked.

"I'll do the interview." N replied.

"Great!" Alexa chimed. "Do you want to do it now?"

"Sure." N answered.

So, Alexa brought out her headset and began to ask him various questions. They weren't the run of the mill, try to pry into your personal life kind of questions. It was questions to clarify what Ash had told her, but if he felt something was to sensitive, she dropped it.

When Alexa believed it to be enough, she stopped it.

"Alright, I think I have everything I need." Alexa smiled and took off her headset. "I really appreciate it."

"Of course." N returned the smile.

"You know, maybe we could met up again. No pressures of an interview though." Alexa offered.

"Why?" N questioned, rather surprised.

"Because, I enjoy your company." Alexa admitted.

"I enjoy yours too. Let's meet again." N stated.

With that said, they parted ways. Even though they were not near, they couldn't get the other out of their head. The two were happy to have met on that one fateful day.


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