Before it's too late- Redvineshipping

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Zoey couldn't believe it. After so much denial of her feelings, why did something like this have to happen to him? Why? Those questions hammered in her mind as she ran to go see him.

Why couldn't she had warned him or stopped him from going? Why couldn't she have been there? Why couldn't she tell him that she loves him? Because she did. Zoey really, really loves him.

"Where is he?" Zoey gasped as she burst into the hospital. The standby nurses as well as professor Oak jumped at attention of the panting red head. " he?"

Professor Oak slowly approached her with a grim look on his face. "Come. I'll show you." His voice was just above a whisper.

Zoey nodded slowly. They turned and the professor lead her to his grandson's room. Professor Oak opened the door for her but did not step inside. Zoey walked past him, but froze at the sight before her.

Sure enough, there he was, Gary Oak, laying unconscious in a hospital bed. Bandages covers most of his body and various wires along his arms, reading his vitals. Which thankfully were normal. A oxygen mash covered his mouth, helping him breathe.

The very sight before her was enough to rattle her beyond anything she had ever experienced.

"The doctors say he is very lucky to be alive. However, they aren't quite sure when he will wake up." Professor Oak stated. "I'll give you some time alone with him."

The door then clicked shut and all that could be heard was the beeping of the medical machines. Zoey slowly approached the bed. Her teeth gritted together and her eyes burned with fresh tears.

Zoey wasn't the type of girl to cry. She wouldn't be a top coordinator if she let things get to her. But this, right here, hurt more than any contest lost.

"Firstly..." Zoey gulped. "...I have to better wake up hear me." The tears began to flow. "I know...what I wasn't true. I should have told you...before it's too late."


They were out for a date. Everything was going great, as it usually did. However, things took a turn. For the worst.

"Hey Zo, I have to tell you something." Gray stated.

"Ok." Zoey replied curiously.

"I'm going on a trip. It's a study project that will take me to another region. I'll be gone for a while and we have been getting pretty serious." Gary scooted closer to her. "So, I've been thinking and I want you to come with me."

"What?" Zoey questioned "You can't be serious."

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Gary asked.

"Really?" Zoey stood up. "You have to ask."

"Apparently I'm missing something here because yes, I'm asking." Gary retorted.

"I can't just pack everything up to go away with you. I still have my own life. I can't believe you. It's like you don't even know be at all." Zoey crosses her arms.

"I guess I don't." Gary growled. "Forget I asked. In fact, I'll just leave you alone. You know, since I don't know you that well."

"Great!" Zoey barked.

With that, the two parted ways and hadn't talked since.

End of flashback

"I love you, Gary." Zoey tried to wipe the tears away, but they wouldn't stop. "I'm sorry for what I said. I...I was just...afraid. I've never let myself...fall in love with this." She clasped against the bed. "I wish...I wish I had gone with you...maybe then you wouldn' like this."

She began to sob into her folded arms. Those dreadful thoughts and possibilities of Gary not waking up. Of not seeing his eyes open, hearing his cocky remarks, or really getting to tell him how much she loves him. Oh how Zoey wished she could go back and fix this.

Then, she felt something brush against her hand and her head shot up. To her surprise, joy and slight anger, Gary was smiling at her. Though it wasn't his usual cocky smile. It was a bit weak but it held such warmth and sweetness.

"Hey Zoey." Gray gently took her hand and gave it a light squeeze. "I love you too."

Zoey just began laugh through her tears, she couldn't help it. She bright his hand up to her face and pressed it against her cheek.

"I'm so happy you're ok." Zoey muttered. "Please, don't do that again."

"As long as I get to have you around, than yes." Gary promised. "Now it's my turn to do something before it's too late."

"What would that be?" Zoey asked.

"Make sure you're mine before someone else can steal you away." Gary answered. "So what do you say, Zo, will you be my girlfriend?"

Zoey stood up and kissed him.

"You couldn't keep me away." Zoey replied.

After that, Zoey made sure to visit him constantly, until he was well enough to leave.

"Hey Zo." Gary greeted as he met her outside the hospital. "I'm all healed up."

"And?" Zoey asked, knowing exactly what was coming next.

"And I was expecting a little more of a reaction. There I was, laying in a hospital bed with my beautiful girlfriend taunting me with her dazzling eyes and kissable lips." Gary remarked.

"Oh. Is that all? Well I guess I can help with that." Zoey laughed.

They shared their long awaited kiss and neither held back. From then on, they weren't going to hold back their feelings. Because one never knows if it will be too late.


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