Afraid to say- learner part 2

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Silence fell between them as Serena stared wide eyed at him. Neither was really sure what to say after that. Serena was definitely surprised by the confession, and Sawyer wasn't sure how to react.

"I...I wasn't expecting that." Serena broke the silence. "Honestly, I thought you had a thing for Mairin, but even so...I'm sorry Sawyer, but I have feelings for someone else."

"Oh..." Sawyer breathed out.

For some reason, he didn't feel heartbroken or that hurt about being rejected. It was so weird to him that it took him a little longer to process the rest of what she said.

"Wait, you thought I had a crush on Mairin?" Sawyer asked.

"Of course." Serena stated obviously.

Sawyer stared back at her as if she spoke a completely different language.

"What? Are you really going to sit here and tell me you have never had at least a little crush on Mairin?" Serena raised an eyebrow.

"Well...I mean..." Sawyer trailed off a moment. "I really like hanging out with her."

"What else?" Serena asked.

"She is super funny, really sweet, has the biggest heart ever, and is so innocent and energetic." Sawyer went on.

"And?" Serena pressed.

"And...and..." Sawyer trailed off as his true feelings became clear. "...I'm such an idiot."

"What? Why?" Serena asked.

"Because I told Mairin about my crush on you and she has a crush on Trevor. I...I'm too late." Sawyer sighed sadly.

Another silence fell between them as Sawyer sulked and Serena thought it over.

"I don't think so." Serena muttered.

"What?" Sawyer questioned.

"I don't think you are too late, and I'm sure that if you talk to Mairin, you will know what I mean. Trust me on this, you will feel much better when you talk to her." Serena assured. "It couldn't hurt."

"'re right. Thank you so much Serena! You're the best and good like with your own crush. Bye!" Sawyer cheered.

He then jumped to his feet and ran off to go find Mairin.

Elsewhere, Mairin finally left her room and went out for a sweet treat to help herself feel better. She had just left a little cupcake shop with an assorted box of them, so she could munch on them throughout the day.

As she made her way back to her room, she noticed another friend of hers out taking pictures.

"Hey Trevor!" Mairin greeted as she ran over to him.

Trevor looked up from his camera and smiled when he saw Mairin coming over.

"Hello Mairin. How are you?" Trevor asked.

"I'm doing better after some cupcakes." Mairin remarked. "Oh...yeah, by the way...this is a little weird, but I feel like I should tell you."

"Tell me what?" Trevor questioned.

"Well...I told Sawyer I have a crush on you, but it was only because he has a crush on Serena and I couldn't tell him that I like him after that." Mairin replied.

Trevor's eyes widened a moment in surprise.

"So, you don't have a crush on me?" Trevor asked just to be sure.

"No. You were just the first person I thought of when he asked me. I wanted to tell you in case he tried to tell you or something so you wouldn't be confused."

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