Why her- Againstshipping (high school AU)

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Here is my first Pokémon school related one shot! Now I don't usually do stuff like High School AUs but I had the idea and finally got some inspiration for it so here it is.


The school bell rang, indicating it was time for lunch. Students quickly filled the halls as they made their way to their usual lunch spots around the campus.

Paul stood before his open locker, waiting for the halls to clear so he could go to lunch without interruption. He organized things to busy himself, trying to ignore the annoying popular girls gossiping loudly behind him as they went.

"Hey, Paul. Thanks again for your help." Zoey remarked on her way past him.

His eyes snapped to her as she walked away. Even as she disappeared around the corner, he stared off in that direction for a moment longer.

He then noticed that most of the hallway was empty. So, he closed his locker and made his way to the lunch room.

With his brown paper bag in hand, he went and sat in the far corner of the large, noisy cafeteria. He tried to focus on his studies and battle strategies, but no matter how hard he tried to think of other things, his mind remained haunted by her.

Top class coordinator, Miss Zoey Andrews.

She was so captivating to him but he wasn't sure why. She was just a girl, like all the rest. Only, Zoey wasn't like all the rest. She was different.

Everything about her held his attention from her short red hair and fiery red eyes that he somehow found mesmerizing. Her determined and creative mind that works in wonders on the battle field. Her quick wit and sharp voice that came out to defend her friend or anyone in need. She wasn't afraid to talk to him either, or put him in his place went needed.

Paul caught sight of her across the lunch room, sitting at the table with his biggest rival and all his friends. Zoey was laughing about something her blue haired best friend had said, which seemed to embarrass Ash.

He could never remember the bluenette's name, and he didn't really care to. Zoey was his interest. He just had no idea why and it drove him crazy.

Why? Why out of every girl at this school, why was it her that held his attention so easily? Was she that different from the rest of them? It didn't seem like it. But what could it be?

Her eyes suddenly made contact with his from across the room. He holds her gaze for a split second before turning away as if nothing happened. He dared not look back, for fear of being caught again. That's the last thing he needed.

The school day went on as it usually did, but Paul was trapped in a haze. He couldn't focus, and ended up making stupid mistakes on his school work and battle tests.

To make matters worse, those were classes that he had with Zoey, and from the look on her face, she noticed it too.

By some strange stroke of luck, he made it through the day without being questioned by his classmates or teachers. Which he was thankful for, because he was reaching his limits.

The final bell rang, signaling the students they were free to leave. Paul practically ran out of the room. He just needed to make it to his locker and then to the exit and he would have the day to sort out his wild thoughts.

"Paul?" Zoey's voice hit before he could make it to his locker. "Can we talk?"

Paul stopped in his tracks, catching the attention of a few passing students. Slowly, he turned to face the redhead, trying to keep his trademark scowl on his face.

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