Things change- Againstshipping

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This story was requested by @FennekinQueen 

Thanks so much for the suggestion and I hope you enjoy it!


Isn't it odd how much can change in a few short years? With time, anything can change. People, appearances, and even perspectives. Which was true for the Sinnoh top coordinator, Zoey.

She had changed quite a bit over the past few years. She grew out her hair to her shoulders and changed her outfit a little. Nothing too big, just replacing her vest for a scarf and added a cute belt. But her appearance wasn't the only thing to change.

In fact, Zoey found herself at this years Sinnoh league. She wasn't participating or anything crazy like that, but she had come to watch. It was more of a curiosity than anything else, but she did recognize one of the participants. A sort of 'mutual friend' she met through Ash.

His name was Paul. Back when she first met him, Paul was a cold, tackless, jerk and she was sure to tell him that right to his face.

But that was years ago, and after she recently saw him in a few battle tournaments, she noticed a change in him. He definitely wasn't the same person she first met, and Zoey was curious about just how much he had changed.

So, she decided to confront him after the league was over, whether he won or lost.

Over the next few days of the league, Zoey kept out of sight, but couldn't help but cheer loudly along with the crowd when Paul would win a match. Not that he would even notice her over the hundred of other people there.

Finally, the Sinnoh league had come to and end and Paul was declared the winner. Which wasn't surprising from watching his skillful battles. He had definitely grown a lot stronger.

Zoey watched as he collected his trophy and he actually smiled to the crowd. She had to admit, Paul had a really nice smile. It was cute.

Soon, the league ended and everyone was making their way out. Paul took a more secluded path to avoid the crowds, but stopped when he heard footsteps approach. He turned around just as Zoey came into view.

"Hey Paul. Long time no see." Zoey greeted.

Paul didn't reply and for a moment they just stared at each other. Zoey then let out a nervous chuckle, thinking he didn't remember her. After all, their last meeting was years ago.

"Right. You probably don't remember me. I'm-"

"I remember you." Paul interrupted. "You're pretty hard to forget, Zoey. Even if you look different, I could never forget the girl who yelled at me like that."

"Yeah...about that...that's partly why I'm here. I wanted to talk to you." Zoey said.

"I thought so." Paul stated. "So, what is it?"

Zoey hesitated a moment, having trouble finding the right words. Even if she had planned on what to say beforehand, it all seemed to disappear now that she was standing in front of him.

"I just...I wanted to say that I've noticed you've changed a lot...for the better, I mean. I've seen you in tournaments and watched you in the league, and there is a real change. I can see it in the way you treat your Pokémon and act with your opponents." Zoey remarked sheepishly. "Even your smile."

"I see." Paul smirked, turning away slightly.

"What?" Zoey asked.

"I'm flattered a beauty like you has a crush on me. Not that I'm surprised anymore." Paul stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Zoey grumbled.

Paul's smirk only grew.

"Not even going to deny it?" Paul asked. "Good to know."

Zoey blushed, and stumbled back in surprise.

"Wh-what? I never said I have a crush on you!" Zoey barked.

"You didn't say you don't either." Paul shrugged.

Zoey was at a lose for what to say next. She was embarrassed and mad at him for such an accusation. However, she couldn't really deny it either.

"I can't believe you." Zoey growled, crossing her arms. "You know what? Forget it. This was a waste of time."

With that said, Zoey turned on her heels and stormed off. She tried to calm herself and stop thinking about him, but it didn't work. She didn't get very far before she heard Paul speak again.

"You've changed quite a bit yourself." Paul said.

Zoey stopped in her tracks, just like he hoped.

"How?" Zoey asked, but didn't turn to face him.

"Well, you've grown more beautiful, and even stronger from what I've seen." Paul admitted.

Zoey finally turned around to meet his gaze. She searched his eyes intently for any sign that he was lying, or simply said it to get a reaction out of her.

When she found nothing of the sort, she smiled and drew closer to him.

"You really think so?" Zoey blushed.

"Yes, but you have also grown more obvious." Paul rolled his eyes.

And with those few words, her smile dropped.

"What?" Zoey asked, dumbfounded.

"You heard me." Paul said.

"I don't understand you. One minute you are flattering a girl the next you have to go and bring her down! I don't know why I liked you in the first place." Zoey barked.

She raised her, ready to slap any part of him she could reach. Before she could, Paul caught her wrist, which surprised her. He stepped in close, not releasing her wrist.

"Yep, definitely oblivious." Paul mumbled.

Before Zoey could retort, Paul closed the distance between them and kissed her on the lips.

Zoey was in a stiff shock. Out of everything she could have imagined to happen during their conversation, this was the last thing she expected. Paul was kissing her. The same Paul that she yelled at all those years ago. The same Paul who she watched change for the better, and even started crushing on.

Finally, she relaxed against him and kissed him back. She felt his hand slide up her wrist and interlock his fingers with hers. His other hand snaked around her waist, bring her closer, and she happily leaned in.

Soon they broke the kiss for some much needed oxygen, but stayed close.

"I like you too, Zoey." Paul confessed. "I haven't been able to forget you since you yelled at me back in Snowpoint City. Now, I know I'm not the best at this, but do you think you could give me a chance?"

"Yeah. I think I can do that." Zoey replied.

"Good." Paul smiled.

Zoey returned the smile with her own bright one.

"You should smile more often. Smiles look nice on you." Zoey remarked.

"I'll have to remember that." Paul said. "Now let's get out of here."

"Ok." Zoey agreed.

So, they walked off hand in hand, happily awaiting the new changes that life was sure to bring them. After all, it was those changes that brought them together.


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