Finally confessing- flavescentshipping

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Another stone splashed into the pond before Iris plopped down on ground just before the rippling water. She curled up into a ball as she continued to stare at the water.

"Axew?" The small dragon Pokémon poked out from her hair. He jumped down and tried to get his trainer's attention. "Ax ax axew?"

"Oh, it's nothing really." Iris muttered, but didn't turn to her Pokémon. Axew nudged her arm. "It's just..." Iris gave a sigh. "I lost my chance and now I feel alone." Little did Iris know, a certain dirty blonde boy was walking by. "At the beginning of my journey, I had the biggest crush on him. Even though I called him a little kid, he was really cute and strong. I took to long, but Dawn didn't. Now they are so happy together."

"Ax." Axew cooed, trying to comfort her.

"Then...there was Cilan. I never thought I would fall for someone like him. I mean, there's nothing wrong with him. He is really sweet and smart. It's just that we are so different. He's all fancy and fine dining, but I am wild and wilderness. But I took to long to tell him too." Iris muttered sadly. "Now...he is with Burgundy and I've never seen a bigger smile on his face than when she is with him. Burgundy is a lucky girl. I just wish it could have been me...that I could make someone smile like that."

"You might not have to wait as long as you think." Iris whipped around to see Trip standing not to far behind her. She was at a loss for a moment, unsure if he had heard everything she said. "Do you mind if I sit?" Trio asked.

"I...I guess." Iris replied.

Trip came and sat down next to her. He stared out at the pond as he waited for her to ask whatever she was going to ask. But she remained unusually quiet for a while longer.

"Are you going to ask me something?" Trip broke the silence.

" much of that did you hear? And what are you doing here?" Iris asked.

"I was on a walk and happened to be passing by." Trip shrugged.

There was a short pause. Trip didn't really want to answer the first question, because it would bring out his feelings. He wasn't one to be so open about stuff like this. Iris on the other hand was nervous for a similar reason, but also she was pretty sad by the whole thing.

"And the first question? How much did you hear?" Iris repeated the dreaded question.

"Just about all of it I think." Trip admitted.

He didn't want to met her gaze.

"Oh." Iris murmured and turned away.

The sadness in her voice really stung Trip. He knew she was a great girl and didn't deserve to feel like this.

"You know, if Ash and Cilan don't see how wonderful you are than it's their loss." Trip declared.

Iris turned to him surprised. She never expected something like that from him of all people.

He could feel her eyes on him and it was becoming more difficult to ignore. He finally met her gaze and couldn't fight the smile that formed. She looked really adorable just then.

"Do you really think that?" Iris questioned.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." Trip responded. Iris still doesn't seem convinced. "Of course I meant it. Iris, you are really amazing. You're strong, carefree, you can handle yourself, different from anyone else I ever met,'re really...pretty."

Iris's eyes widened. Did Trip really just call her pretty? This time, Trip didn't wait for her to speak. He decided to just come out with it and move along.

"The thing is...I have feelings for you. I have for a while and it has grown a lot." Trip confessed. He looked to her stunned face and lightly shook his head. "I know. It's a lot to take in and I'd be surprised if you see me as a friend. I just thought you needed to hear it. Anyway, I'll see you around."

Trip stood up and began to walk away. Iris just sat there stunned. She couldn't believe it. Trip actually had feelings for her. She looked to Axew to give her some kind of answer as to what she should do.

"Axew ax ax ew!" Axew gestured for her to go after Trip.

"Right." Iris smiled.

She ran up to catch up with him. She hugged him from behind. Trip stopped when he felt her warm embrace and his cheeks heated instantly.

"I-Iris?" Trip stuttered.

"Thank you for telling me. If you'd like, we could give it a try." Iris smiled.

"I'd be love that." Trip remarked.

He took her hand and walked her back to their previous spot by the pond.

"What are you doing?" Iris asked curiously.

"I'm spending time with you. It doesn't need to be anything big as far as I'm concerned. I know you like the outdoors better anyway and just being here with you is enough for me." Trip answered.

Iris's smile grew. In that moment, Iris knew things were going to be different. She wouldn't have to worry about having to be too late ever again.


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