Nightmare- Sommeliershipping

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Why won't he leave me alone? I know we are on better terms but why won't he just be quiet for one minute.

"Burgundy?" Cilan asked beside me.

"What?" I snapped slightly, turning to him.

He was down on his knees, looking at me like a sad lilipup that was just abandoned by his trainer. I was a bit baffled.

"Why won't you love me?" Cilan begged, taking my hand.

I rolled my eyes. "You can't be serious." I scoffed. "Someone like you is better off without me. No move so I can get going." I pushed past him.

However, just as I brush past him, I hear Cilan screaming in terror. I turned once again, and to my own horror, he is falling. I tried to reach for him, in a desperate attempt to save him, but it's too late.

"Cilan!" I screamed.

"No!" I sat up in bed. I looked around my room in panic, but let out a sigh. "Stupid dream." I growled, throwing my pillow at the door. "Stupid tears, stupid everything." I wiped away at the tears. "Why tonight of all nights? Why not another night, literally, any other night." I pull at my curled purple hair.

You see, I have become a B class connoisseur while Cilan was away on his Kanto travels. Now, he is back and is working to become and S class and I, an A class. We have been helping each other study and have been hanging out together a lot as a result. I'll admit, I have grown rather found of him, but that's for me to know and him to never find out.

To make matters worse, I have me evaluation to finally because an A class tomorrow. How am I supposed to concentrate with this stupid nightmare? I gave a heavy sigh and flopped back into the bed, only to remember I threw my pillow. Rolling off the bed, I collect my pillow and return to bed. I tossed and turned for a while, the awful thoughts buzzing around in my mind. Thankfully, I managed to get some sleep, but not much.

The next morning, I got up and got ready, trudging out my door. The nightmare still fresh in my head as I leave the Pokémon center.

"Good morning, Burgundy." Cilan greeted, chipper as ever.

"Morning." I grunted. My lack of sleep was still getting to me.

"Are you alright?" Cilan asked.

"Fine, just tired." I muttered, not bothering to look at him. "Didn't sleep well last night."

"Worried for your evaluation?" Cilan assumed.

"Not exactly." I muttered under my breath.

"Than what?" Cilan asked.

I stopped for a second. "Don't worry about it." I stated, dismissively.

"Burgundy, we are friends. You can trust me, you know that right?" Cilan assured.

"We should get going. Don't want to be late for our evaluations." I increased my pace. Cilan was becoming more worried. He grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. "Cilan, the evaluation."

"I don't care. Why's wrong? Please tell me." Cilan begged. I flinched, the look of terror from my dream flashed to the front of my mind and Cilan noticed. "Burgundy, you're scaring me. Did I do something?"

I stared up at him, trying to think of a clever retort or something to snap at him. Though, I couldn't bring myself to. Nothing comes to mind and now I'm just standing there, awkwardly staring at him. He looking back at me, with those caring eyes, patiently waiting for me to say something.

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