Worth the challenge- Redvineshipping

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With Gary's travels to the Sinnoh region, his cocky and somewhat arrogant attitude had gone down a lot. He was still a master lady's man if he did say so, and boy did he say so. There are very few girls that are unaffected by his charm. If a girl is not interested, it surprises him. So, when Gary met the red head, top coordinator from Snowpoint City, he was in for quite the challenge.

The researcher in training and top coordinator met at a, sort of celebrity, party. There were a lot of girls there, Zoey included, and Gary had no trouble gaining the attention of all but her.

"Hello pretty ladies." Gary greeted the gaggle of chatting girls.

They all giggled and gravitated to him. All except one. Zoey simply rolled her eyes and walked to another part of the room. When she walked away, Gary was instantly intrigued. He slipped past all the giddy girls and over to Zoey.

"What brings you here? Got to tired of the fan girls over there?" Zoey asked when she noticed him coming towards her.

"Yeah, and I find you very intriguing." Gary admitted, leaning against the wall to get closer to her.

He had expected her to fall against the wall in embarrassment, stutter, blush even a little bit, or show some sign that he affected her in some way. Nothing. She just stood upright, casually sipping her drink as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Is that it or did you want something?" Zoey questioned.

Gary straightened in surprise. No girl had ever done that to him before. Sure there were girls with boyfriends, but he stayed away from taken girls. He wasn't that bad. Maybe she did have a boyfriend, and that's why she was unaffected. That was the only logical explanation, right?

"Yes. Do you happen to have a boyfriend?" Gary asked.

"Nope. I'm single." Zoey replied smoothly.

"What!?" Gary choked.

"Yep. Single. Now if you'll excuse me, it's getting late. I should go. It was nice to meet you Gary Oak." Zoey remarked and walked right around him.

Gary's eyes followed her out until she was gone. For the rest of the party, the famous Gary Oak was in a daze. His mind captured my the red headed top coordinator.

Even after the party, Gary couldn't get her out of his head. It got to the point where it was driving him crazy. Zoey was a beautiful mystery to him, and Gary was determined to unravel it to ease his mind. Once he gets to know her, he will finally see that she is not worth being driven mad and he can go back to the usual. So, Gary tracked her down thanks to his connections as an Oak.

"So, what happened to make THE Gary Oak track down me of all people?" Zoey asked, very entertained.

"I want to get to know you." Gary answered. Zoey raised an eyebrow. "I'm serious! Look, nothing has to happen. Since the party I've been really...I just want to get to know you as friends. If something happens, then it happens but not now. What do you say...pal?" He held out his hand for her to shake.

Zoey scanned him up and down, looking for a sign of deception. He seemed genuine enough and this could be amusing for her.

"Alright. It's a deal, buddy." Zoey remarked, shaking his hand.

Gary chuckled, whether it was out of humor or nervousness, he was not sure. He was just glad she accepted his offer.

In the short while that they got to know each other, the two became friends. However, the more Gary got to know her, his plan to rid her of his mind was backfiring. Big time. The more time Gary was around the red head, the more he was attracted to her. Even growing smitten.

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